“holy roman emperors”



(historically romanorum imperator / “’emperor’ of the ‘romans'”)


(the holy roman emperor  was the ruler of the ‘holy roman empire’ (800AD (/ 962AD) -1806 AD, from ‘charlemagne’ (/’ otto I’) to ‘francis II’)


(the title was, almost without interruption, held in conjunction with the rule of the ‘kingdom of germany’)

(from an ‘autocracy’ in ‘carolingian times’, the title evolved into an ‘elected monarchy’ chosen by the ‘prince-electors’)

(the ‘holy roman emperor’ was widely perceived to rule by ‘divine right’, though he often ‘contradicted’ or ‘rivaled’ the ‘pope’, most notably during the ‘investiture controversy’)

(in theory, the ‘holy roman emperor’ was primus inter pares (latin for ‘first among equals’) among other ‘catholic monarchs’)

(In practice, a ‘holy roman emperor’ was only as strong as his ‘army’ and ‘alliances’ (including ‘marriage alliances’) made him)

(there was never a ‘holy roman empress’ regnant, though women such as ‘theophanu’ and ‘maria theresa’ (of ‘austria’) served as ‘de facto’ empresses regnant)

Throughout its history, the position was viewed as a defender of the Roman Catholic faith.

Until the Reformation, the Emperor elect (imperator electus) was required to be crowned by the Pope before assuming the imperial title. 

Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor was the last to be crowned by the Pope in 1530.

Even after the Reformation, the elected Emperor always was a Roman Catholic.

There were short periods in history when the electoral college was dominated by Protestants, and the electors usually voted in their own political interest.

Various royal houses of Europe, at different times, became hereditary holders of the title.

In particular, the Habsburgs kept the longest possession of the title.


(the ‘holy roman empire’ was dissolved by ‘francis II’ (the ‘holy roman emperor’) as a result of the collapse of the ‘polity’ during the ‘napoleonic wars’)















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥