“laptop #2”

(from ‘summer 2005’ – ‘fall 2010’, i relied on my ‘dell desktop’ for ‘music recording’ / ‘video editing’)

(sometime in ‘summer 2010’, my mother gave me her old laptop)

“dell studio 1535 laptop”

(another hand-me-down from my mother)

(after she purchased a new laptop)

i installed the “pinnacle” moviemaking software on the laptop
(because it wouldn’t install on my dell desktop)

the pinnacle software never worked very well for me even though i made several videos with it…

it usually froze up during the export process…

which gave me an incentive to delete all the porn off the laptop in order to free ‘space’…

(“o the sacrifices we make for our art!”)

(the ‘dell desktop0 finally died sometime in ‘fall 2010’ and my parents got me a new ‘imac’)
(early christmas present?)

(i continued to use the ‘dell laptop’ as a secondary portable workstation)


“SUMMER 2012” –>

(moved into ‘the brick’)
(with my ‘imac’ and dell laptop)

(shawn dropped my ‘bass guitar’ on the laptop)
(probably in a drunken stupor)

(the right side of the laptop is falling off)

(that’s my cue to sell!)

(i just use it to watch ‘porn’ anyway)

(i held onto the ‘dell laptop’ after moving to ’61 clearview’ in princeton)
(‘fall 2012’)
(i brought the laptop along with me to ‘austin’)
(and then continued using it after moving to ’14 oakland’ in princeton)
(‘october 2013’)


“DECEMBER 2013” –>

(mother’s laptop is finally finished)

(the ‘power adapter’ doesn’t work anymore)

(and now the keyboard doesn’t work)

(when i tried restarting the computer today, i repeatedly got a message about the “time-of-day clock stopping”)

(and it wouldn’t proceed to ‘windows’)

(which means i’ll never recover any of my files off the ‘laptop’)

(furthermore, i can’t use the laptop to transfer videos to the ‘imac’)

(and there are 2 videos currently on the camera)

(oh well)

(guess this will force me to edit my old videos)

(apparently the fix for this problem is to change the ‘laptop battery’)

(but where do i get the money for that?)

(at least this means i won’t be watching ‘porn’ anytime soon)
(this was back when i was afraid to watch porn on the imac)
(thinking that i’d run the risk of infecting the computer with a virus)
(even though i’d been repeatedly told that ‘macs’ don’t get viruses)

(but ‘never’ say ‘never’)

(so the ‘imac’ became my sole workstation after landing in the ‘mounts motel’ in ‘february 2014’)

(even though i couldn’t access the internet from the motel, i used the imac to record more music)

(until it finally died sometime in ‘summer 2015’)

(from then on, i frequented libraries for all computer tasks)






👈👈👈☜*“LAPTOP JOURNALS”* ☞ 👉👉👉






🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥