*’lewis library’ journals*

*SUMMER 2011*

(i first arrived at this princeton library as a tutor with “princeton tutoring”)

i spent the summer tutoring two 17-year-old chinese girls for their SATs…

monday – friday…10am – 4:30pm…

an hour drive both ways…

i’d park in the lot across the street (even though i technically required a permit)

i was never ticketed…

also tutored an 11-year-old chinese boy for a math competition several times during ‘fall 2011’…

the library doesn’t require a student ID (neither for admittance or for the computers)…

but it does require an ID for print jobs (i found this out when i tried to scan + print a copy of my driver’s license for my first landlord in princeton in september 2012)…

fond memories of the 3rd floor of lewis library…

where i met the anderson twins + the duphiney sisters while my student took a practice test…

they were fiddling around on the imacs…

one of the main reasons i decided to move to princeton in the first place…

was planning on working here…

but the spots were already taken by the time i inquired…

started coming here after the motel move…

(since i didn’t have internet access in my room)

(then i replaced these visits with trips to ‘princeton public library’ + ‘mercer county library’)


(should’ve just stuck with ‘lewis library’)


*10 november 2014*

went to lewis library (third floor imac) after realizing that i couldn’t get internet access in frist…

the third floor toilet was clogged…

so i took a shit on the second floor…

waiting for some dweeb to blow his nose so i could get some privacy…

ice cold water from the fountains…

i could probably look up porn here and get away with it…

comfy cozy…

i should stay here until it’s time to get the last bus…

(or just wait until the earliest morning bus)


*13 FEBRUARY 2015*

(‘lewis library’ is my ‘go-to spot’)

(although i’m technically banned from this spot)

(no one’s arrested me yet)


*13 september 2015*

(took the 3:17pm 606 into ‘princeton’)

(the bus was 5 minutes (too) late)

(headed straight to ‘lewis library’)



(‘permanent ban’ from ‘princeton campus’)

(got arrested for drinking a ‘bud lite margarita’ there)

(by the ‘campus police’)


*16 JULY 2016*

(banned from ‘princeton library’)

(so back to ‘lewis’)


*25 JULY 2016*

(now that i’ve been caught by the ‘spic dyke’ while trespassing on campus)

(i’m afraid to make a return to ‘lewis library’)

(it’s all jon’s fault!)

(the same mustauchioed guard from ‘princeton library’ saw me there)

(and i saw a young asian enter the library a half hour later)

(i was already packed up and gone)

(so he questioned ‘daniel’ + his generic mexican pal)






👈👈👈☜*“THE LEWIS LiBRARY”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥