






(from latin ‘communicare’ –> ‘to share’)




“the ‘art’ of ‘communication’?

‘(or is ‘art’ just 1 of many ‘channels’ of ‘communication’?)


(define ‘many’ in this particular context)

(…by conducting ‘scientific experiments’ and applying ‘statistical analysis’ to ‘acts of ‘communication”)

(think of ‘communication’ as 1 (of many) ‘reason’ for any particular ‘action’)

(study ‘incentive’ as ‘economic terms’)

(‘economics’ is the study of ‘human ‘standard of living’ optimization’)

(aka ‘spreading the wealth’)


then ask yourself…

(“what are the ‘purpose(s)’ of ‘communication’?”)

(and what are most ‘effective’ methods of ‘communication’ for your (stated) ‘purpose’?)


(‘communication’ is the act of conveying ‘meanings’ from one ‘entity’ or ‘group’ to another through the use of mutually understood ‘signs’, ‘symbols’, and ‘semiotic rules’)


(the main steps inherent to all ‘communication’ are) –>

“the formation of communicative ‘motivation’ or ‘reason’)

(‘message composition’ (further ‘internal’ or ‘technical’ elaboration on what exactly to ‘express’)

(‘message encoding’ (for example, into ‘digital data’, ‘written text’, ‘speech’, ‘pictures’, ‘gestures’ and so on)

(‘transmission’ of the ‘encoded message’ as a sequence of ‘signals’ using a specific ‘channel’ or ‘medium’)

(‘noise sources’ (such as ‘natural forces’ and in some cases ‘human activity’ (both ‘intentional’ ‘and accidental’)) begin influencing the ‘quality’ of ‘signals’ propagating from the ‘sender’ to 1 or more ‘receivers’)

(‘reception’ of ‘signals’ and ‘reassembling’ of the ‘encoded message’ from a ‘sequence’ of ‘received signals’)

(‘decoding’ of the ‘reassembled encoded message’)

(‘interpretation’ + ‘making sense of’ the ‘presumed original message’)


(the ‘scientific study’ of ‘communication’ can be divided into the following 3 parts…)

(‘information theory’) 
(studies the ‘quantification’, ‘storage’, and ‘communication’ of ‘information’ in general)


(‘communication studies’)
(concerns solely ‘human communication’)


(examines ‘communication’ in + between ‘living organisms’ in general)



(the ‘channel of communication’ can be ‘visual’, ‘auditory’, ‘tactile’ (such as in ‘braille’) and ‘haptic’, ‘olfactory’, ‘electromagnetic’,, or ‘biochemical’)

(‘human communication’ is unique for its extensive use of ‘abstract language’)


(‘development’ of ‘civilization’ has been closely linked with progress in ‘telecommunication’)






👈👈👈 ☜ *“OUR NETWORKS″*☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥