
“fender telecaster american vintage 1952′


-as of [25 MAY 2024]


*colloquially known as the ‘tele’



-the fender telecaster is the world’s first [commercially successful solid-body electric guitar]-


(its ‘simple’ yet ‘effective’ design and ‘revolutionary sound’ broke ground and set trends in ‘electric guitar manufacturing’ and ‘popular music’)

(introduced for national distribution as the broadcaster in the autumn of ‘1950’, it was the first guitar of its kind manufactured on a substantial scale and has been in continuous production in one form or another since its first incarnation)


(just like the ‘fender stratocaster’, the ‘telecaster’ is also a versatile guitar, usable for most styles of music and has been used in many genres, including…)







*’rhythm’ + ‘blues’*




‘heavy metal’


*originally named the “broadcaster”*

(but ‘gretsch guitars’ had trademarked the name)

(so ‘leo fender’ changed the name to ‘telecaster’ in 1950 to take advantage of the advent of ‘television’)

















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥