-as of [17 AUGUST 2024]












*AVOID* —>













Fast WordPress Hosts we recommend are


the absolute minimum entry point, it’s


passable from a speed perspective

and a much better option that Bluehost, Hostgator, Godaddy and other cheap hosts



these guys offer dedicated VPS servers on a speed optimized server stack which means lightning fast speeds AND they’re dirt cheap starting at $10/USD AND they offer 60+ locations worldwide

(see our Fastest WordPress Hosting article for more detail).

Cloudways are probably our favorite hosting provider right now, fast, stable and dirt cheap!

**If you sign up to Cloudways, use the coupon code FASTHOSTING for $25 credit so ~2.5 months free on a base serve


WPX Hosting

a dedicated WordPress host, fantastic balance of speed vs price with data centers in the US and UK



more expensive BUT better if you’re not a DIY-er and have a site that’s making plenty of $$ (also has a bunch of other awesome features that make this a high end managed host)


….these guys all make money by stacking 10,000 other sites on the same server which leads to slow, unreliable hosting.

You’ll see these recommended all over the place on the web but the reality is they pay very high commissions to bloggers who recommend them!


make sure you host your site in the country where the bulk of your visitors or customers are.

Typically the site will be 1+ second slower outside the country it is hosted in.

We’re based in Australia and it’s extremely common for businesses we work with to be hosted in the US which ultimately causes the site to load slowly in Australia


Why Hosting Is So Important:

Hosting is the foundational component of everything you do online.

Your SEO and Google rankings, your Adwords and Facebook ads, and the enquiries, calls and emails your site generates are all tied to the quality of your hosting.

Faster, more reliable hosting will easily pay for itself in the form of more enquiries, calls and sales coming through your website.

If your website is your main source of revenue, then it makes sense to pay for the best hosting you can get, because it’s going to have a direct impact on how much money your business makes.

It’s not just speed that’s important, the quality of your host is critical!

Cheap hosts are horrible in terms of uptime and if you run uptime monitoring on your site (try http://uptimerobot.com, free plan available) you’ll likely see multiple outages each day on cheap hosts.

This is the perfect example of spending money to make money, and if you want to make a lot of money, you’re not going to do it when you’re spending $5 a month on your hosting


A Note on VPS Hosting

Some common advice you’ll see around the web is that if you want a high performance site you should run your site on a VPS, but this isn’t necessarily a good idea.

Yes, a VPS has more raw server power than a regular hosting account, but server power accounts for only 25% of total performance.

Server configuration is significantly more important, and unless you’re a server specialist, you’re not going to have the skills or knowledge to optimize your server to a higher standard than that of a managed WordPress hosting provider.

This is one of the reasons why we LOVE Cloudways – you get the power of a dedicated server AND the configuration is built and optimized for speed.

Quite often the cheap hosts in the list above (eg Hostgator and Bluehost) will upsell you/upgrade you to a dedicated VPS host but the problem here is that you’re still on a poor quality, oversubscribed host.

It’s like buying the premium option in the 2 dollar store,

it might be their premium product but you’re still in the 2 dollar store!


Use high quality website hosting (i.e. get rid of your bargain basement hosting)

Get rid of the $3/month garbage hosting.

A high quality webhost with HTTP2 protocol support will make a world of difference.

Weirdly, in 2020 there’s no real price difference between the fastest hosts and horrible hosts like Bluehost, Godaddy and Hostgator.

The difference is something like the price of a coffee versus the price of lunch



👈👈👈☜*-WEB HOSTS-* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥