*a case for 'duo-decimalism'*

“PRIORITY #1” –>

*change ‘number system’ to ‘duodecimal system’*


(because ’12’ is divisible by…)






(while ’10’ is only divisible by…)




(in other words…)

(increase ‘base #’ by ‘2 set units’))

(the ‘con’ of ‘base 12’ as compared to ‘base 10’)

(…to gain 2 ‘set divisors’)

(the ‘pro’ of ‘base 12’ as compared to ‘base 10’)


“sounds like a bargain to me!”


(because we measure ‘time’ in ‘base-12’)

(for the most part at least)

’12 seconds’ (x 5) –> ‘1 minute’

’12 minutes’ (x 5) –> ‘1 hour’

’12 hours’ –> ‘1 day / night’

’12 hours’ (x 2) –> ‘1 full earth axis rotation’)

(‘days’ of ‘month’ deviate from ‘base 12”)


(only because ‘1 full earth orbit’ time cannot be easily divided by ‘1 earth axis rotation time’)

(~ 365.25 days?)

(and there we go back to ‘base 10’ again with the ‘decimal’)

(in lieu of the (much better me thinks) ‘duodecimal’)

(but you can even use the numeral ’10’ to apply to ’12’)

’12 months’ –> ‘1 full earth orbit around ‘sun”

*next goal in ‘precision would be to divide the ‘second’ into ’12 parts’*

(what we usually use on stopwatches are ‘1 / 1000’ of a ‘second’)

*aka the ‘millisecond’*

(nearly ‘blew my mind’ at ‘age 6’)

(with my very first ‘stopwatch’)

(humans ‘perceive’ the passage of ‘time’ with such (ideally infinitely small) ‘division markers’ of isolated ‘sensory events’)

*’the ‘smaller’, the ‘better’*

(‘smaller’ in terms of ‘volume’)
(3 dimensions)


(all that matters is ‘density’)
(cram it all in)

(so that the actual ‘duration’ of the (‘flash’ / ‘beep’ / ‘poke’) is negligibly small when added to the ‘passage of time’ between (‘flash’ / ‘beep’ / ‘poke’))

(so fast that the ‘sensory divisions’ are interpreted as a ‘blur’)

(‘superimposition of ‘light’ traveling at its ‘maximum speed’ to your ‘eyes’)




’21 december 2012′ –>
(so-called ‘mayan calendar reset’)

(i was in ‘princenton’)

*’age 28’*

(’21’ / ’12’ / ’12’)

(any significance?)

(i was always resistant to ‘switching’ ‘base-10 numerals’ around to link different numbers)

“don’t ‘make sense’…”

*not ‘mathematically sound’*

“reductio ad absurdum”

(seemed too ‘mathematically tenuous’ to claim any real ‘coincidence’ or ‘environmental sync’)

(by that time i’ll have made it through 11 (and ’20/31′) months of the ’12 months’ of ‘2012’ (or 355th / 366th of the year)

(since ‘2012’ is a “leap year”)


(the ‘meso-american ‘long count’ calendar’ dictates that ’21 december 2012′ signifies the end of a ‘5152-year cycle’)

(thus the beginning of the 14th “b’ak’tun”))

(this is the ‘calendar’ of the ‘mayans’)

(a ‘central american culture’ that thrives to this very day)

(at least as of ‘4 october 2019’)

(the calendar “begins” on ’11 august 3114 BC’

(according to the ‘gregorian calendar’ standards)

(each solar year is called a “haab”)

(this particular calendar is ‘base-20’ + ‘base-18’)

(i’ve often wondered how those who invented the ‘gregorian calendar’ determined how many ‘days’ are in each ‘month’)  


(it’s easy enough to figure out how ‘spatially long’ is…)

*1 ‘day’*

(‘earth’s rotation’ on its ‘axis’)


*1 ‘year’*

(earth’s rotation around the ‘sun’)


*1 ‘month’*

(approximately based on moon’s orbit around ‘earth’) is (’29 days’ / ’12 hours’ / ’44 minutes’))

(so dividing ‘365.25″ (~# of ‘days’ in a ‘solar year’) by ’12’ (~# of ‘months’ in a ‘solar year’) –>

“365.25” / “12” = (~30.4375)

so the average month’s length is @ ~’30.4375 days’)  


(in the ‘gregorian calendar’…)

*’7 months’ are ’31 days long’*
(january / march / april / may / july / august / december)

*’4 months’ are ’30 days long’
(april / june / september / november)

1 month has 28.25 days
(or an extra day every 4 years))



(but the pattern that the “gregorians” used to decide upon # of days in month seems ‘haphazard’ (to say ‘the least’)

(months 1 / 3 / 5 / 7 / 8 / 10 / 12) –> *’31-day’ months*)

(*7 total*)

(‘begin’ and ‘end’ on a ’31-day month’)


(month 2) –> “28.25-day” month)

(usually ’28’ but ’29’ on a ‘leap year’)

(months 4 / 6 / 9 / 11) –> *”30-day” months*



(the ‘mesoamerican long-count calendar’ breaks it down like this…) –> 1 ‘day’
(or ~1/365 year)

. –> 20 ‘days’
(or ~4/73 year)

. –> 360 ‘days’
(or ~72/73 year)

. –> 7200 ‘days’
(or ~ 19 53/73 years)

. –> 144000 ‘days’
(or ~394.5 years)


(so on ’20 december 2012′ into ’21 december 2012’…)

(approximate date of the ‘december solstice’ on ‘earth’)

(the “long count” reaches  

(on ’21 december 2012′, it hits
(the 14th ‘b’ak’tun’)

(even ‘professional debunkers’ of the ‘apocalyptic theory’ must surely admire the novel ‘mayan approach’ to ‘time measurement’)

(the “second” is the most basic measurement of ‘time’ in the ‘gregorian calendar’)

((1 / 86,400) of a “day”)

*practice counting by ‘1 second’*

(get your rhythm as precise as possible)



👈👈👈☜*“BASE-12”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥