-as of [15 NOVEMBER 2024]


(move like a ‘wave’ between…)

(‘satanic’ / ‘left’ / ‘male’ brain)


(‘angelic’ / ‘right’ / ‘female’ brain)

(adjust oscillation + amplitude at own discretion…)

(“apollo” as “left brain” / “dionysus” as “right brain”)



(for ‘feminists’ primed to jump on any ‘male’ using the words ‘male’ or ‘female’)

(a sure feminist ‘red flag’)

(a ‘bad thing?)

(or am ‘opportunity’ for ‘professional feminists’ to ascend their proverbial ‘soapboxes’ (in the proverbial ‘town square’ (digital or otherwise’))

(and upon this ‘soapbox’ and justify’ their ‘value’ in their ‘collective crusade’ to ‘improve’ gender relations)

(so that ‘females’ and ‘males’ are ‘separate but equal’)

(or merely a shamelessly naked ‘collective power grab’ to utilize ‘slave nemtality’ to overthrow their male ‘overlords’)

(atoning for historical female ‘passivity’)

(of which they are ‘ashamed’)

(that’s what known in ‘nietzschean lingo’ as ‘slave morality’)

(as opposed to ‘master morality’)

(how ‘christians’ defeated the ‘romans’)

(or rather ‘complete infiltration’ and ascension o ‘master class’)

(what ‘anti-semites’ accuse the ‘jews’ of doing in whatever country they are in)

(starting with their ‘fictional’ ‘egyptian’ enslavement)

(or ‘babylonian captivity’ ’round ‘600BC’)

(to ‘israel’!)

(their proverbial ‘promised land’)

(what was the jewish role in the ‘crusades’?)

(when was ‘jewish population’ at its highest)

(total # of jews)

(or proportionally speaking, the ‘highest percentage

(what was the peak of ‘jewish’ power on earth?)

(either ‘religious’ / ‘genetic’


(use ‘plural form’ if there are multiple ‘potentially offended groups’)

(and how much ‘power’ (and/or ‘non-minority’ protective power to stand up for ‘offended grou[‘)

(what ‘religions’ were best at attracting followers?)

(a collective cynical ploy to increase ‘strength in numbers’)


(back to our disclaimer)

(‘male’ and ‘female’ DO NOT correspond to ‘gender’ in this context)

(not ‘whatsover’)

(just what the ‘scientific community’ has come to call ‘masculine’/’feminine’ traits)















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥