"ketchup"(our preferences)


‘hot dogs’

(“ketchup” > “mustard”)
(on ‘hot dogs’)

(i like ketchup)
(but i hate ‘tomatoes’)
(does a more ‘liquid’ state change ‘taste’ of a ‘solid’?)

(akin (‘food’ / ‘beverage’) ‘temperature’ having impact on ‘taste’)

(if tomato-s are good for you, why don’t i like them?)

(‘childhood trauma’?)
(evokes ‘bad memories’)

(‘collective unconscous’ in terms of ”genetic prefrences”)
(based on a ‘neative’ circumstane i the past)

(and my ‘homes state’ of ‘new jersey’ is famous for its ‘tomato-s’)
(due to ‘environment’?)

(did ‘tomato farmers’ become original ‘tomato planters’ until the state was given the name)

(and ever since the ‘tomato industry’ has incentive to improve what has already been designated a ‘specialty’)

(they feel compelled to live up to this ‘nickname’)

(which could possibly be comparable in ‘incentive % terms’ as the ‘profit incentive’)

(call it the ‘pride incentive’)

(which has ‘positive’ / ‘neutral’ . ‘negative’ components’)

positive incentive’ –>

(‘exceed expectations’)
(via ‘improvement’ based on your interpretation of ‘consumer preferences’)

(‘above and beyond’…)


‘neutral incentive’ –>

(live up to ‘consumer expectations’)

(to feel ‘good’ about themselves (on ‘individual’ / ‘corporate’ level) by maintaining ‘+ ‘reputation’)


‘negative incentive’ –>

(don’t let them down!)
(your ‘clients / customers’ that is)



👈👈👈☜*“KETCHUP”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥