
Nezara viridula2.jpg



greek –>

(pente meaning five / tomos meaning section)


(‘pentatomidae’ is a family of ‘insects’ that includes some of the stink bugs and shield bugs)


(their ‘antennae’ are ‘5-segmented’, which gives the ‘family’ its ‘scientific name’)

(their bodies are usually ‘shield-shaped’)

(the ‘forewings’ of ‘stink bugs’ are called ‘hemelytra’, with the ‘basal half’ thickened while the ‘apex’ is ‘membranous’ (as are the ‘hindwings’))

(the name ‘stink bug’ derives from their tendency to eject a ‘foul-smelling glandular substance’ when ‘disturbed’; in some ‘species’ the ‘liquid’ contains ‘cyanide compounds’ with a ‘rancid almond scent’)

(this is a form of ‘anti-predator adaptation’)

(the idiomatic term “stink bug” is also applied to distantly related species such as boisea trivittata (the “boxelder bug”) and entirely different types of ‘insects’ such as ‘beetles’ in the genus eleodes (“pinacate beetles”))

(many ‘stink bugs’ and ‘shield bugs’ are considered ‘agricultural pest insects’, because they can create ‘large populations’; they suck ‘plant juices’ and damage ‘crop production’, and they are resistant to many ‘pesticides’)

(however, some ‘genera’ of ‘pentatomidae’ are considered ‘highly beneficial’; the ‘anchor bug’, which can be distinguished by the ‘red-orange anchor shape’ on the ‘adult’, is one example)

(it is a ‘predator’ of other ‘insects’, especially ‘mexican bean beetles’, ‘japanese beetles’, and other ‘pest insects’)

(known as jumiles, chumiles, chinche de monte, or xotlinilli, various ‘stink bugs’ are part of ‘mexican cuisine’)

(known as bọ xít in ‘vietnamese’, ‘stink bugs’ are also found in ‘vietnamese cuisine’)

(they are also commonly eaten in ‘laos’, and are regarded as ‘delicious’ due to their ‘extremely strong odor’)

(the ‘insects’ are sometimes pounded together with ‘spices’ and a ‘seasoning’ to prepare ‘cheo’, a ‘paste’ mixed with ‘chilies’ and ‘herbs’)


(there are several ‘sub-families’, of which the australian ‘aphylinae’ is often given ‘family status’, but is here retained as a ‘subfamily’, following ‘grazia’ et al. (2008))









👈👈👈☜*“INSECT TYPES”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥