-google photos-


-as of [13 MARCH 2024]







(the iOS app)




gee fotoz



*1 JUNE 2021*

(‘google photos’ will end the ‘free unlimited compressed files’ plan)


-[google photos] is a [‘photo sharing’ / ‘storage’] service developed by [google]-


(it was announced in ‘may 2015’ and spun out from ‘google+’, the company’s ‘social network’)

(‘google photos’ gives users free + unlimited storage for photos up to ’16 mega-pixels’ / ‘videos’ up to ‘1080p resolution’)

(the service automatically analyzes ‘photos’, identifying various ‘visual features’ + ‘subjects’)

(users can search for anything in ‘photos’, with the service returning results from 3 major categories –> (‘people’ / ‘places’ / ‘things’)…)



(‘google photos’ recognizes…)

(grouping similar ones together)

*note* –>
(this feature is only available in certain countries due to ‘privacy laws’)


(such as the ‘eiffel tower’)


(including ‘birthdays’ / ‘buildings’ / ‘animals’ / ‘food’ …
/…and so much more!)



(different forms of ‘machine learning’ in the ‘photos service’…)

*allow ”recognition’ of ‘photo contents”*


*’automatically generate ‘albums”*


*’animate similar ‘photos’ into quick ‘videos”*


*’surface past ‘memories’ at significant times’*


*improve the ‘quality’ of (‘photos’ + ‘videos’)*



(in ‘may 2017’, ‘google’ announced several updates to ‘google photos’, including…)

*’reminders for’ + ‘suggested sharing’ of ‘photos’*


*’shared photo libraries’ between 2 users*


*’physical albums’*
(with ‘google photos’ automatically suggesting ‘collections’ based on [‘face’ / ‘location’ / ‘trip’ /other ‘distinction’])



(‘google photos’ acts as a ‘backup’ when ‘photos’ are ‘sent’)

(or in ‘google/apple terms’ –> ‘shared’)

(as in ‘shared’ with our personal ‘devices’)

(‘sent implies that ‘sender’ doesn’t keep a copy)

“google terms?”

(this is just a common ‘backup tool’ when ‘photos’ are shared between ‘social media’ or other ‘platforms’ or ‘apps’)

(‘google photos’ received ‘critical acclaim’ after its ‘decoupling’ from ‘google+’ in ‘2015’)


(reviewers liked the updated ‘photos service’ for its…)

‘recognition technology’



‘loading times’


(nevertheless, ‘privacy concerns’ were raised, including google’s motivation for building the ‘service’, as well as its relationship to ‘governments’ + possible ‘laws’ requiring ‘google’ to hand over a user’s ‘entire photo history’)

“big brother 101”
“then they’ll come for our guns!”

(“o shut up!”)
(says i to a redneck who curiously resembles a smug ‘frank zappa’ in ‘appearance’ and ‘tone’)

(lose the ‘stache’)
(lose the ‘tude)
(hit the road…)


(‘google photos’ has seen ‘strong user adoption’…)

(‘100 million users’ after ‘5 months’)

(‘200 million users’ after ‘1 year’)

(‘500 million users’ as of ‘may 2017’)


(…with ‘google’ announcing that over 1.2 billion photos are uploaded to the ‘service’ every day (!!!), with the grand total of ‘all uploaded content’ measuring over ‘13.7 petabytes’ of storage)

(are there any ‘duplicates’ included in this ‘account count’?)

(1 user using multiple accounts)

(who currently has the most ‘google accounts’ registered in his name?)


(for comparison, at the end of ‘2017’ the entire ‘internet archive’ held almost ’40 petabytes’)








👈👈👈☜*-GOOGLE 1-* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥