*YEAR 2013*

@ 61 clearview avenue

(princeton NJ)

it’s been a whirlwind end of the year…

on christmas eve, i bought a handle of vodka and red bull…also went through several cans of grizzly long cut dip (until i ran out of money in the account)…i spent christmas eve alone for the second time in a row…then i upped the ante and spent christmas day alone…i spent the entire christmas week updating my jogajungle website and transferring content to the secret dopeland website…i finally finished that task…

i had christmas dinner @ shanghai park…spent over $22 on general tso’s chicken and a large order of pork fried rice…(also came with a container of white rice and two fortune cookies)…

i lied to john the drunk and told him that my mother was picking me up for christmas…the next day i went to visit him and came clean about the lie…he bought me a pack of marlboro reds and a pint of vodka as a christmas present…he also spent christmas by himself…

not one relative called me on christmas day…not even my parents…in fact, cheryl even blocked my cellphone #…i talked to the old man on the day after christmas…dorothy told him that i stole wine bottles from her…i admitted the truth…even mike didn’t call me…but he still got me a christmas present…i didn’t get a christmas present for anyone…i talked to aunt tammy on the phone…insulted her old man…then i talked to grandma naj…aunt tammy told me that i made grandma cry…even though i told her i loved her…mike gave me uncle tony’s cellphone # but he still refuses to speak to me…even though it’s been over 3 years since the falling out and i’ve apologized to him (or tried my best to) multiple times over the past two years…aunt jackie commented on my latest facebook profile pic…she wished me a merry christmas and referred to herself as a “clam” (alluding to my thanksgiving comment about my mother having the personality of a clam)…

i insulted william holmes through my charlie brown facebook account…i didn’t bother to read his response…but of course he went crying to paul malchow (just like everyone seems to do when i insult them)…paul wished me a merry christmas and told me that he wants nothing to do with me…

i tried purchasing another pack of cigarettes with my foodstamps card but was declined…so i’ve been living on energy drinks (monster and red bull)…

i wished dorothy a belated merry christmas on sunday morning…she asked if we could speak at 8pm…but i avoided her…then i ran into this afternoon and again she wants to speak with me later tonight…again i will have to do my best to avoid her…

my $90 january assistance check will be mailed to me…elisa didn’t answer my phone call…it seems that dorothy has been in constant contact with her…even though we can’t resolve this matter until elisa returns to the office on january 2…dorothy has been suspiciously friendly lately…i’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop…i believe i walked by her daughter on the street this weekend…of course i was muttering something to myself like a lunatic…

on sunday i was extremely horny after not jacking off all week…i started facebook friending girls and writing them complimentary messages…most did not accept my friend requests (or respond to my messages)…but vanessa sena finally accepted my request…even though she doesn’t seem to remember me…

i started talking to “jennifer ernst”…i went to high school with her…she was 3 years younger than me…i don’t believe we’ve ever spoken in person…she is extremely well-endowed (with a bit of a butterface)…still living in long hill…she promised that she’d come visit me in princeton…she never showed up (probably because she has a boyfriend)…she wouldn’t even return my calls…and she ended up going to the colorado cafe…i wasted half my day waiting around for her…finally i told john the drunk that i’d bring her over to the house…he knew she wouldn’t show up…and she didn’t…so he gave me a few miller high lifes and several cigarettes as we chatted and watched football…then he gave me a valium to help me sleep (as my sleep schedule has been terrible over the past week)…i took the valium but it didn’t do anything for me (as usual)…so i took a shower and shaved off my beard…finally cleaned up my act…and now i’m sporting a sweet moustache…when the valium failed to do its job, i downed another monster…i was horny all night and stimulated my nipples while fantasizing about girls…i jacked off twice within an hour but it failed to quell my libido…

then i started experiencing alcohol withdrawal symptoms…the beers with john the drunk only made me nauseous…my breath was horrible…despite brushing my teeth and gargling listerine, i had a terrible taste in my mouth…probably all of the alcoholic toxins leaving my body…i would have hot and cold flashes…and nasty farts…even though all i ate yesterday was a roast beef hoagie, two fortune cookies, and a bit of white rice…i woke up sometime after falling asleep and felt very wobbly…i was pissing like a racehorse and trying my best to keep hydrated (even though water tasted terrible)…at least i was taking healthy shits…i aired out the apartment and started using a bottle of cologne as an air freshener…i really need to do laundry…

received a letter from the medicaid department…seems that an HMO has already been chosen for me (since i failed to choose one)…”amerigroup new jersey”…it’s probably the cheapest one on the list…

my cellphone has been acting awfully peculiarly lately…half the time i don’t hear anyone on the other end…i’ve been using the house line to make phone calls (to no avail)…shane taylor wants nothing to do with me…colin shallcross isn’t answering his phone…jim dowell says he out of the country and can’t use his phone (even though he was able to leave me a voicemail as i attempted to call him in the pouring rain)…

john the drunk wants to spend new year’s eve with me…get hammered and cook steaks…but he wouldn’t bring me along to his son’s friend’s father’s house last night to watch football…(i wanted to go with him just to stay away from dorothy)…

i tried my best to fall asleep but i just laid in bed all night…i didn’t want dorothy to think i was home so i kept the noise to a minimum…i changed into clean clothes and tried my best to get comfortable…magic dan is claiming that a member of the FBI contacted him about me…i have no idea what he’s talking about but it still made me extremely paranoid…he also claimed that alex kenwell contacted him about me a few months ago…seems that no one is willing to talk to me directly…at around midnight i finally decided to take a walk outside and talk to some people…even though mike rolland advises me not to use my phone…magic dan told me to call him from a different phone (via a facebook message)…i tried to contact him multiple times from a restricted phone #…no dice…then he stopped responding to my facebook messages…mike rolland advises me not to use my phone (or online messaging) and to “lay low” or i will soon be arrested…he advises me to leave new jersey immediately…

after very little sleep, i finally got the day rolling ’round noon…although i wasn’t hungry, i decided to go to mccaffrey’s to force down some food…some channa masala and a large iced coffee with two turbo shots from dunkin donuts (as well as an orange powerade)…chatted with john the drunk…he’s off work but he’s still dealing with clients from home…maybe i’ll visit him later…

had another long late-night chat with damkani…as well as a brief chat with michael morton brown…

i attempted to hit on the cute blonde girl @ bon apetit…because i saw her checking me out last time i was in the store…i walked up to the counter and asked for her phone number…she wouldn’t give it to me…she told me she was only 16…and that she had a boyfriend…so i left the store…i should’ve actually hit on the other cashier there…a bespectacled blonde chick…she also seemed to be interested in me last time i was in the store…

it’s been another rough year…izzy brereton seems to have gotten the idea that i’m not going to help her with the “business plan” (after a year of not completing it)…i lived at 61 clearview avenue in princeton until october 15…i raised $2K with a kickstarter project but spent all the money on rent…now i need to release an album to itunes…i wrote and recorded a ton of great music…i have the basic outline for the “dopeland” saga completed…i was banned from the princeton campus for 3 months (for an “annoying and alarming” facebook message to a female princeton student after she ignored me the second time i saw her even though she had been into my acoustic music the first and second times i met her…she wouldn’t even accept a facebook friend request)…the ban ends sometime in mid-january…my driver’s license is expired and must be renewed (along with a change in address)…i turned 29…i performed at open mic nights at the alchemist + barrister and karaoke nights at the ivy inn (despite eric the bouncer’s animosity towards me)…busked on the streets of NYC and princeton…

i had (lackluster) sex with sveva sun (an italian girl i met at the ivy inn)…hooked up with a 42-year-old married mother of 3 (who i also met at the ivy inn)…hooked up with a busty italian chick in her mid 20s (who i also met at the ivy inn)…hooked up with a latina chick i met at the local wawa…had several other innocent flirtations…

made peace with the old man…reunited with the family on thanksgiving…saw the little sister for the first time in almost two years…banned from spending the night over the watchung house…banned again from the christmas holiday…

death of mother’s mother…attended the funeral (even though i was banned for almost every other holiday that year…

received 3 summons from the clearview avenue landlord for non-payment of rent…still owe him back rent…went to civil court on two occasions but settled with the landlord before appearing before the judge…

recorded a series of music videos for AI’s repraise project…drank a lot of alcohol…smoked a lot of cigarettes…chewed a lot of tobacco…smoked a bit of dope…had an (unsuccessful) “acid trip”…had several “robotrips”…drank a lot of coffee and energy drinks…stopped exercising…ate sporadically…began to neglect my hygiene…grew several beards…had several haircuts (but retained the long hair)…

my mother often paid my rent…

(and paid my $50 monthly cellphone bill…)








👈👈👈 ☜ *YEAR 2012*


*YEAR 2014* ☞ 👉👉👉












🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥