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*numeral pre-fixes*

February 28, 2012 jogabot 0
*aka ‘number prefixes’* . (‘numeral prefixes’ are ‘prefixes’ derived from ‘numerals’) (or occasionally other ‘numbers’) . (in ‘english’ (+ other ‘european languages’), they are used to coin numerous series of words, […]
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-28 december 2015-

February 28, 2012 jogabot 0
*monday* . (‘busked’ in the rain) (princeton NJ) (how cold was it then?) (made enough money for a pack of ‘bennies’) (aka ‘benadrill’) (aka ‘DPH’) […]
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“prehistory”*seasonal song cycles*

February 27, 2012 jogabot 0
“learning curves” “watching and learning’”“listening in…”“listless and thin”(“come again”?) . “PRE-HISTORY” . “SUMMER 1984” (i was born in the midst of ‘summer 1984″) (‘summer olympics’ […]
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*1 january 2024*

February 27, 2012 jogabot 0
*monday* . (i will be ’39’ going on ’40’) (*gulp*) (the year divisible by ‘4’ and is not a ‘century year’ so it is a […]
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*year 2021*

February 27, 2012 jogabot 0
*common year* . *begins + ends on a ‘friday’* . (i will be ’36’)(going on ’37’) . *’2021′ (MMXXI) will be a ‘common year’ starting […]
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*year 2100*

February 27, 2012 jogabot 0
(*i will be ‘115’* by then…) “by god! you’re right!” (going on ‘116’) (if i make it that far) (the next ‘century year’ exception) (as […]
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-future common years-

February 27, 2012 jogabot 0
-as of [3 JANUARY 2024]– . *YEAR 2100* (because it is a ‘century year’ not divisible by 400) . *YEAR 2025* . . 👈👈👈 ☜ […]
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*year 2400*

February 27, 2012 jogabot 0
*⤹⤺⤼⤽LEAP YEAR⤾⤿⟲⟳⥀↶* . *1 JANUARY 2400* *saturday* . *29 FEBRUARY 2400* *tuesday* . *31 DECEMBER 2400* *sunday* . (what would be even MORE impressive is […]
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-future leap years-

February 27, 2012 jogabot 0
-as of [3 JANUARY 2024]– . *YEAR 2400* (because it is a ‘century year’ divisible by 400) . *YEAR 2028* . . 👈👈👈 ☜ *-OUR […]