“western romance languages”





*’western romance languages’ are 1 (of 2) subdivisions of a ‘proposed subdivision’ of the ‘romance languages’ based on the ‘la spezia–rimini line’*


(they include the ‘gallo-romance’ + ‘iberian-romance’ branches as well as ‘northern italian’)


(the subdivision is based mainly on the…)

*use of the “s” for pluralization*

*the ‘weakening’ of some ‘consonants’*

*the pronunciation of “Soft C” as /t͡s/ *
(often later /s/)
(rather than /t͡ʃ/ as in ‘italian’ + ‘romanian’)


(but that makes the categorization highly problematic because there is a much higher lexical similarity between all dialects of ‘italian’ + ‘french’ than between ‘french’ + ‘spanish’)

(there is also a much higher (‘morphological’ / ‘orthographic’ / ‘phonetic’) similarity between ‘spanish’ + ‘italian’ dialects than between ‘italian’ + ‘french’)


(based on ‘mutual intelligibility’, ‘dalby’ (😕dalby???🤷‍♂️) counts 12 languages…)















(this ‘classification criterion’ is however ‘problematic’, due to the much higher levels of ‘mutual intelligibility’ between ‘italic’ + ‘iberian’ languages than between either of these with ‘gallo-romance languages’)

(some classifications include ‘italo-dalmatian’…)

(…so that the resulting ‘clade’ is generally called ‘italo-western romance’)

(other classifications place ‘italo-dalmatian’ with ‘eastern romance’)


(‘sardinian’ does not fit into either ‘western romance’ or ‘eastern romance’, and may have split off before either)


(today the 4 most-widely spoken standardized ‘western romance languages’ are…)

(c. 410 million native speakers)

(c. 220 million native speakers)
(another 45 million or so ‘2nd-language speakers’)

(mainly in ‘lusophone africa’)

(c. 80 million native speakers)
(another 70 million or so ‘2nd-language speakers’)
(mostly in ‘francophone africa’)

(c. 7.2 million native speakers)


(many of these languages have large numbers of ‘non-native speakers’)

(this is especially the case for ‘french’, in widespread use throughout ‘west africa’ as a ‘lingua franca’)















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥