“beer journals”

i was always curious about beer as a child…

the adults drank it…

they allowed me a few sips but it always tasted horrible…

even when i started drinking (round age 16), i stuck to hard liquor…

i’d drink beer at college parties (but i’d never buy it myself)…

and now i’m on my last beer…

i got in an enlightened state from the beer

then another round of beer + cigarettes…

$50 down…

that leaves you $48…

get out “the brown sound” video…

any beer from the janitor?

wonder if janitor has a beer for me tonight…

burning through beers…getting gruff-voiced from cigs…

slowing down now…beers aren’t so good…

talked to AI when i was deep in beers…he had to deliver sushi to the family…he said he didn’t know whether he’d see me in a few weeks or 6 months…all dependent on his family obligations…how’s that for a manager?

now it’s 9:27am and i finished the beer and smoked cigarettes…i need something to eat…gotta make the walk to CVS…

then i walked to CVS in the rain just before close…the janitor told me that all the motel staff vouched for me to the cops…and he admired my jeans…but didn’t give me any beer (not that i needed any)…

met the fat pollack from last night…jessica kosinski…she’s a 32-year-old trenton girl working at small world coffee…into black dudes…headed to hang out with a male friend…a “neosoul artist”…i didn’t recognize her at first…thought she was the girl i saw on the bus last tuesday…she got off at the stop after me…saturday nights at small world…8:30pm – 10:30pm…$150 payday…built-in crowd…why can’t i book a fucking gig at a princeton coffehouse?…the A+B didn’t seem happening tonight…she looked terrible compared to my beer goggles last night…she also told me there was no 1:07am bus on fridays…the schedule said otherwise…

i saw the little leprechaun and he seemed happy to see me…had my guitar on me…a bespectacled dude named “greg” watched it…he was a townie who worked at a liquor store…chatted up an asian guy / blonde girl couple…the asian was a surgeon and the girl was an astronaut rejected by NASA…talked to “jessica”…she was from canada but lives in princeton (i think i’ve met her before)…a few girls were celebrating their 24th birthdays…i talked to alissa…25-year-old plain jane who lives in hoboken with her boyfriend (the other girls were unresponsive)…her family was in the mob…some other girl from the group rejected my halfhearted advances when i mentioned my mob conversation with alissa…she wasn’t even pretty…there was a DJ playing…i bought some PBRs and stole some floater beers…some middle-aged dude bought the first one for me…and greg gave me a beer as well…i ended up drinking a sierra nevada to end the night…

dude i’m gonna run out of beer and cigarettes…i need to start singing again…

it’s been two days since i sang great…

and what came of it?…

one more beer…

1 more year…

“i went for a year withut beer

i didt drink beer for a year

it fuckin sucked

ellem tell ya!

(‘beer’ + ‘watermelon’)


keep beer refrigerated
(or it will surely ‘skunk’ before long)
(takes 10-12 hours for an opened bottle of beer to “go bad” @ room temperature)
(although it is not dangerous to drink)


*all ‘domestic (/ ‘american’) beer bottles’ are ‘twist-offs’*
(according to ‘gregory chory’)



👈👈👈☜*“BEER”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥