



8.0% ABV
(24oz can for $1.75 @ “express deli ranch”)
(prospect lefferts garden)

(which means i can get 48oz of 8.0% ABV “beer”)
(even this ‘malt liquor’ is more palatable than cheap vodka)
(or even other equivalent malt liquors such as ‘steel reserve’)
(3.84oz of alcohol for $3.50)
(better than buying a 40oz of budweiser even though the budweiser may ‘taste’ slightly better)
(there you only get 2oz alcohol for $3.50 since budweiser is 5% ABV)

7 DECEMBER 2017:


(had some excess cash after a night of busking)
(but not much)
(took down the usual nightly 600mg DPH)
(and smoking marlboro reds)
(from a pack i found earlier in the week)
(on empty stomach after a full day)
(then i CHUGGED 4 straight ‘natty daddys’ spending $7)
(i promptly blacked out)
(7.68oz of alcohol)

(i don’t remember drinking #3 and #4)
(i kept thinking i’d lost #4)



(introduced in 1995)

(5.9% alcohol by volume)

a stronger (and cheaper) alternative to straight budweiser

($9.99 for a 12-pack)
(@ franklin’s tavern)
(though they give me two six-packs)

30-pack of natural ice is less than $18

*18 september 2015*

decided to buy a 12-pack on thursday afternoon
(carrying it around in my backpack as i walked to the library)
(i drank a beer as i walked along route 1)
(it hit me quickly)

*1 december 2014*

12-pack of natural ice on friday night…

12-pack of natural ice on saturday…
(though i gave 1-2 beers to arv)

*29 SEPTEMBER 2013*

so i headed to the frist campus center…it was packed…attempted to play some tunes…ended up bumming a cigarette off some old man worker…there was tons of hot pussy on display…i played guitar in the street for a mixed-gender crowd…by this time i’d lost my guitar pick…they invited me back to the “postgame” in their dorm room…princeton lacrosse players…just like back at harvard…i played them my best cover songs…then some jock wanted to play…i thoroughly showed him up…but he still left with the chick named “lily” (who looked just like liliana)…i asked for her number but she claimed she didn’t have a phone…then i hit on a blonde chick…she claimed she was with her fiancee…some dumb jock stripped down naked…i smelled dope smoke but no one would offer it to me…finally the jerkoff that seemed to be in charge offered me a natural ice beer and told me to hit the road…i drank it inside the confines of the building…in the meantime i saw the guy who took my guitar walking home with liliana…i took the long walk home and went to sleep…

*23 SEPTEMBER 2014*

i began buying 12-packs of natural ice with my busking money…although they are only grouped in increments of six-packs…i can easily go through a 12-pack in a day…and they get me quite fucked up…i spent the last of my money on natural ice on a monday afternoon…

(even the hispanic motel janitor gives me natural ices for free if i ask nicely)

*1 OCTOBER 2014*

i’ve been going through a 12-pack of natural ice everyday…they pack a serious punch…now i’ve wasted all my money on them…

started feeling the withdrawals wednesday morning…so i bought a 6-pack just to tide myself over…drank (less than) three in the afternoon and then went to go pick up my check…elisa smelled booze on my breath and made me take a balloon test…

*14 OCTOBER 2014*

made money busking friday night…spent the money on a 12-pack of natural ice saturday…got me pretty fucked up before hitting up princeton…

sunday and monday i spent my saturday busking money on two more packs of natural ice…a bit harder to get into the groove this time…just fucked me up and made me get too chatty via phone + fb…and not very productive…at one point it sabotaged my voice…then i tried to go to sleep but my schedule was all fucked up (and i could feel the withdrawals starting to come on)…

*19 OCTOBER 2014*

if only i had made the appointment last week i could’ve avoided all this nonsense…if only i hadn’t drank 2 beers before picking up the check…i seem to be unconsciously fucking things up for myself in terms of this drug testing…if i had known the consequences would be the same i’d just go all out fucked up…

after the drug test wednesday i picked up a 12-pack of natural ice in the afternoon…

gotta have my first beer with the shower…

on beer #4…

wasted a good buzz…
(on the power outage wednesday evening)

i fucked up twice on thursday…

lost my wallet and phone in my room…

had the night janitor call the phone to find it…

now i’m up at 7am…feeling great…

nasty texts to cheryl because she said i was drunk at 10am when she called…i was…i had actually just stayed up all night…”my mother the slut”…i referenced my week in jail in january 2012…because i started out with pleasant texts about the current ebola crisis…my rapidfire texting (though all cogent and correctly spelled) clued her into possible drunkenness…should’ve just stuck to recording music…

wasted all my travel money…8 more beers left…gotta hit up princeton for more money…but plenty of cigarettes (not like i need them)…

i got even more blasted on friday…i didn’t have any money for another 12-pack of natural ice…because i was spending it all on newports (plus a $13 dinner at the diner)…

all in all i bought two 12-packs on wednesday…and two packs of newports…one 12-pack thursday (and another pack of cigarettes)…then a “free” 12-pack friday (although i said i’d pay back)…the young indian was nice enough to give me a freebee…

then i was overwhelmed with beggars at the motel…the fat lady buying cigarettes off me…i even gave the dollar she gave me to the homeless alcoholic black woman…then i saw a blonde hooker for the second time friday afternoon…playing with the cats…i had given her a cigarette a few months ago…didn’t see her john…she was driving her own car and compulsively washing it…i asked her to spend the night because i was blasted…invited her into my room and played her “think tuck”…started singing at the top of my lungs until she told me to quiet down before the motel staff called the cops…she’s probably an old heroin addict but i was horny…she said i sounded like i was from the 70s…put my arm around her and kissed her repeatedly on the cheek…we crazily crossed over the median to get to the diner so she could buy a sobe…then she used my refrigerator to put it in…when she went to the vending machine the young indian told me that she couldn’t stay over my room…this spooked her and so she left…this made me more paranoid…the rest of the night was a wash…i walked to franklin’s corner liquors to bum a cigarette through the side entrance…some fat dudes clued me into the young indian and when i walked into the bar i was immediately asked to leave…a young brunette by herself seemed to want me to stay…but i left anyway…bought a pack of dip from the gas station…

then i fought the withdrawals saturday…i had many drunken stumbles in the room…seemed to be intentionally self-destructive…fell into my computer and knocked over my USB port and several external hard drives…doesn’t seem to be any damage…

but then i realized i had knocked over my taylor guitar and made a large crack near the base of the neck…the action is irreparably fucked now…is this fixable?

gotta fix the taylor anyway…the pickup…the setup…and redecoration…how much will this cost me?…and do i even have a spare yamaha?  i think i pawned it but i’m not sure…will i be able to borrow someone’s guitar to make money in the meantime?  i can use the electric guitar for gigging…mainly the eating club gig…

once you pick up your check you buy 12-pack of natural ice + pack of newports…


12 pack of natural ice…pack of newports…

then saturday drank natural ices all day and then got a firecracker from ray…

bought another 12-pack…

then the beers started catching up with me…

(kept going for “natural ices”)






👈👈👈☜*“AMERICAN LAGER”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥