*the sinitic languages*



*AKA* –>



*a branch of the ‘sino-tibetan language family’ consisting of hundreds of local language varieties, many of which are not ‘mutually intelligible’*


(the differences are similar to those within the ‘romance languages’, with variation particularly strong in the more mountainous southeast)


(a widely quoted classification divides these varieties into 7 groups…)









(though a more recent classification splits some of these to obtain 10 groups…)

(…and some varieties remain ‘unclassified’)


(‘chinese varieties’ differ most in their ‘phonology’, and to a lesser extent in ‘vocabulary’ + ‘syntax’)

(southern varieties tend to have fewer initial consonants than northern and central varieties, but more often preserve the ‘middle chinese final consonants’)

(all have ‘phonemic tones’, with ‘northern varieties’ tending to have fewer distinctions than ‘southern ones’)

(many have tone sandhi, with the most complex patterns in the coastal area from Zhejiang to eastern guangdong)

(‘standard chinese’ takes its ‘phonology’ from the ‘beijing dialect’, with vocabulary from the ‘mandarin group’ and grammar based on literature in the modern written vernacular)


(‘standard chinese’ is…)

*the sole official language of ‘china’*

*the de facto official language of ‘taiwan’*

*1 of the 4 official languages of ‘singapore’*

*1 of the 6 official languages of the ‘united nations’*

















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥