-as of [28 DECEMBER 2023]


(“non-‘volatile’ random-access memory”)


*TYPES* —>




(“parameter random-access memory”)

(an area of ‘non-volatile random-access memory’ used to store ‘system settings’ on ‘apple macintosh computers’)


*[non-volatile random-access memory] (NVRAM) is [random-access memory] that retains its information when [power] is turned [off]*


(this is in contrast to ‘dynamic random-access memory’ (‘DRAM’) + ‘static random-access memory’ (‘SRAM’), which both maintain ‘data’ only for as long as ‘power’ is applied)

(currently, the best-known form of both ‘NV-RAM’ + ‘EEPROM’ memory is ‘flash memory’)


(some drawbacks to ‘flash memory’ include…)

*the requirement to write it in larger blocks than many computers can automatically address*

*the relatively limited longevity of ‘flash memory’ due to its finite number of ‘write-erase cycles”*

(most ‘consumer flash products’ at the time of writing can withstand only around ‘100,000 rewrites’ before memory begins to deteriorate)


(another drawback is the ‘performance limitations’ preventing ‘flash’ from matching the ‘response times’ and, in some cases, the ‘random addressability’ offered by traditional forms of ‘RAM’)

(several newer technologies are attempting to replace ‘flash’ in certain roles, and some even claim to be a truly universal memory, offering the performance of the best ‘SRAM devices’ with the ‘non-volatility’ of ‘flash’)


(as of ‘june 2018’, these alternatives have not yet become ‘mainstream’)

(development is going on for the use of ‘NVRAM chips’ as a system’s ‘main memory’ (for a ‘more persistent memory’))

(known as ‘NVDIMM-P’, it is expected to be released by ‘2018’)


(note: it is now ’18 march 2019′)

(still no NVDIMM-P in sight)

















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥