(‘DPH’ (temporarily?) destroys my ‘short-term memory’)
(does ‘cannabis’ do the same?)
(but i’ve read (in “drugs forums” of course) with (at least ‘semi-‘) anonymous answerers that ‘DPH’ can actually IMPROVE memory because it forces you to create intricate WAVES of ‘mnemonic devices’ to ‘lock in’ memory’ even when a drug assaults the ‘memory process’)
“ethanol” (+ ‘DXM’) create ‘blackouts’ when the brain becomes temporarily unable to create ‘long-term memories’)
(depends on how FAST you drink)
(not ‘how much’)
(a ‘spike’ in BAC is what causes the ‘blackout’)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥