“livor mortis”



“livor mortis”


‘latin’ –>

livor – “bluish color”

mortis – “of death”



‘postmortem lividity”

‘latin’ –>

postmortem – “after death”

lividity – *’black’ + ‘blue’*



‘greek’ –>

hypo – “under / beneath”
statis – “a standing”




-‘livor mortis’ is a ‘settling’ of the ‘blood’ in the ‘lower’ (or ‘dependent’) portion of the body ‘post-mortem’, causing a ‘purplish red discoloration’ of the ‘skin’-


(when the ‘heart’ stops ‘functioning’ and is no longer ‘agitating’ the ‘blood’, heavy ‘red blood cells’ sink through the ‘serum’ by action of ‘gravity’)

(blood travels ‘faster’ in ‘hotter’ conditions (like a ‘beach’) + blood travels ‘slower’ in ‘colder’ conditions (like a ‘mountain’))

(‘livor mortis’ starts in ’20–30 minutes’, but is usually not ‘observable’ by the ‘human eye’ until 2 hours after ‘death’)

(the ‘size’ of the ‘patches’ increases in the next ‘3 – 6 hours’, with ‘maximum lividity’ occurring between ‘8 – 12 hours after death”)

(the ‘blood’ pools into the ‘inter-stitial tissues’ of the ‘body’)

(the ‘intensity’ of the ‘color’ depends upon the amount of reduced ‘haemoglobin’ in the ‘blood’)


(the ‘discoloration’ does not occur in the areas of the body that are in contact with the ‘ground’ (or another ‘object’) in which ‘capillaries’ are ‘compressed’)








👈👈👈 ☜ *“RIGOR MORTIS” (STAGE #3)*





👈👈👈☜*“THE 8 STAGES OF DEATH”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥