




‘pallor mortis’

‘algor mortis’

‘rigor mortis’

‘livor mortis’


-this ‘process’ references the ‘breaking down’ of a ‘body’ of a ‘human’ (or other ‘animal’) ‘post-mortem’ (aka ‘after death’)


(in ‘broad terms’, it can be viewed as the ‘de-composition’ of ‘proteins’ + the ‘eventual breakdown’ of the ‘cohesiveness’ between ’tissues’, + the ‘liquefaction’ of most ‘organs’)

(this is caused by the ‘de-composition’ of ‘organic matter’ by ‘bacterial’ or ‘fungal’ digestion, which causes the release of ‘gases’ that infiltrate the body’s ’tissues’, and leads to the ‘deterioration’ of the ’tissues’ + ‘organs’)


(the approximate time it takes ‘putrefaction’ to occur is dependent on various factors…)


*’age’ at which ‘death’ has occurred*

*the overall ‘structure’ + ‘condition’ of the ‘body’*

*the ’cause’ of ‘death’*

*’external injuries’ arising ‘before’ or ‘after’ death*



*’environmental temperature’*

*’moisture’ + ‘air’ exposure*


*burial factors*

*light exposure*


(the first signs of ‘putrefaction’ are signified by a ‘greenish discoloration’ on the outside of the ‘skin’ on the ‘abdominal wall’ corresponding to where the ‘large intestine’ begins, as well as under the ‘surface’ of the ‘liver’)


(certain ‘substances’…)

‘examples’ –>
carbolic acid / ‘arsenic’ / ‘strychnine’ / ‘zinc chloride’ / etc

(…can be used to ‘delay’ the ‘process’ of ‘putrefaction’ in various ways based on their ‘chemical make-up’)


(‘body farms’ are ‘facilities’ which study the process of ‘human decomposition’ as well as how ‘environmental factors’ affect the ”rate’ of ‘putrefaction”)








👈👈👈 ☜ *“LIVOR MORTIS” (STAGE #4)*





👈👈👈☜*THE ‘8 STAGES’ OF ‘DEATH’* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥