“screen-saver journals”

(the ‘screensaver’ only comes on when i close enough programs…)

now the ‘imac’ is going into ‘sleep mode’ by itself…

seriously hampered my productivity…

i restarted the computer…

it didn’t work…

i went to “disk utility” and “repaired permissions” on the macintosh HD drive…

it didn’t work…

i went to “energy saver” and set “sleep mode” and “desktop saver mode” to “never”…

it didn’t work…

i restarted the computer again…

i noticed that a screensaver started to run again (which rarely happens with my computer)…

we’ll see…



*25 october 2015*

my computer went to shit when i was trying to export a big wav file from cubase and exporting video from final cut…

(the computer had been on without screensaver/sleep for over a week)

cubase froze during export…

then i couldn’t throw away the unfinished wav file…

froze on “preparing to move to trash”…

then i tried relaunching finder…

but it wouldn’t relaunch…

tried restarting the computer and it froze (on blue screen + spinning white wheel)…

i panicked and did a hard restart (prematurely?)…

then it lingered on the white screen for awhile…

again i panicked…

but it started normally after awhile…

then i realized i could only delete files (no more moving to trash then emptying trash)…

then i realized that my “joga journals” document was corrupted on the main external hard drive…

everything else seems to be working…

this is very troubling…

but things seem to be moving faster on the computer…

is this the ghost in the machine again?

then i realized that 4 of my main final cut projects were corrupted…

they had turned into “final cut documents” instead of .fcp files…

when i tried opening them i first got “file error wrong type”…

(but 3 of them opened normally when i first loaded final cut because they had been open before…

i should’ve saved them under different names)…

the “music videos” project (my main video database) read “this file is unreadable” after reaching 35%…

first i repaired permissions on the main hard drive…

this seemed to correct the “empty trash” problem…

then i opened the final cut project with textedit and saved it as a text file…

then i changed the extension to .fcp…

same problem “this file is unreadable”…

then i realized that there was an autosave vault with previous versions of each project…

so this solved the problem for 3 of the 4 corrupted projects…

but i still couldn’t open any of the “music video” autosaves…

even ones dating back to last month…

it seems that the computer is confusing the corrupted “jogajournals” text file with the “music video” final cut project…

because when i try opening the text file it says “‘music videos’ cannot be open”…

and i can’t trash the text file…

i tried creating a new user account and opening the ‘final cut project file’…

but i would also have to delete the main user account…

which i’m not ready to do

(because there are files on the desktop that i have not transferred nor backed up)…

moral of the story: “be patient”

perhaps this is a blessing in disguise…

i should not have been working with projects this large…

it slowed down my progress whenever i entered and exited final cut…

but i’ve permanently lost so much of my video editing work over the past few months…

with only my youtube videos (which no one watches) to show for it…

now i need to start dividing my video projects into smaller more organized portions…

and renaming my files so that they make more sense…

(all in all i should really be more focused on ‘making music’…)

(that’s where my strengths lie)



👈👈👈☜*“SCREEN-SAVERS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥