[wordpress plug-ins]

-as of [13 MARCH 2024]




-wordpress ‘plug-in architecture’ allows users to extend the ‘features’ and ‘functionality’ of a ‘website’ / ‘blog’-


(as of ‘february 2019’, ‘wordpress.org’ has ‘54,402 plugins’ available, each of which offers custom functions + features enabling users to tailor their sites to their ‘specific needs’)

(however, this does not include the ‘premium plugins’ that are available (approximately 1,500+), which may not be listed in the ‘wordpress.org repository’)


[these ‘customizations’ range from…]

*search engine optimization*


*’client portals’ used to display ‘private information’ to ‘logged-in users’*


*content management systems*


*content-displaying features*
(such as the addition of ‘widgets’ + ‘navigation bars’)


(not all available ‘plug-ins’ are always ‘abreast’ with the ‘upgrades’ and as a result they may not function properly (or may not function at all))

(most ‘plug-ins’ are available through ‘wordpress’ themselves, either via ‘downloading them’ and installing the files manually via ‘FTP’ or through the ‘wordpress dashboard’)

(however, many ‘3rd parties’ offer ‘plug-ins’ through their own ‘websites’ (many of which are ‘paid packages’))


(‘web developers’ who wish to develop ‘plug-ins’ need to learn the “wordpress hook system”, which consists of over ‘300 hooks’ divided into ‘2 categories’…)

‘action hooks’

‘filter hooks’








👈👈👈 ☜ *“PLUG-INS”*


*“WORDPRESS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥.”we won the war“.🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥