"christmas 2005"

$25 starbucks gift certificate
(laurie sa)

the crowleys…

pair of sweatpants / $125 Guitar Center gift certificate (they bought it from me along with a guitar amplifier for Saint Nick) / “Totally Guitar” book (ascended the next level in ‘conclusive sourcebook for guitar information’ / each level becomes more comprehensive)


Ice-scraper / brush tool for Yukon (for the brutal Jersey winters)

$56 gift certificate to “The Man” hair salon

4 tickets for Billy Joel MSG concert (27 February 2005)

(I brought Shane, Paul, Levia)

Legoes racecar set (a complicated model I completed that evening)

Eclipse chewing gum

“Harvard Class of 2005” T-shirt

Photo album of Harvard commencement week

I had requested a white suit / but I received an approximation:

white Polo dress pants

white Polo dress shirt w/ pink pinstripes

Metropolitan white necktie

(my sister contributed a white Polo spring jacket to the wardrobe)


Collage poster of family snapshots

Grandma Skip:

$20 cash

$20 gift certificate to Scotti’s Record Shop

$125 gift certificate to the Short Hills Mall

1 regular admission Loew’s movie passport

Wendy’s coupons


Lip balm

Reindeer candy corn

Altoids chewing gum

Chocolate Santa

Grandma Naj:

$100 cash

Aunt Tammy/Uncle Tony:

$100 cash









“WE WON THE WAR” ➡︎➡︎➡︎