


japanese for “empty orchestra”

too late to go karaoke

pick up chicks at karaoke?

karaoke tomorrow night?…

i could use some female adoration…

now i need to get focused…

i smell terrible…

i’m starting to believe in the law of predestination…

i probably would’ve done everything the same if i had to do it all over again…

but now i don’t feel like going to karaoke

what can i possibily accomplish?

my beard looks disgusting

oh well

guess i’ll take that as a sign not to go to karaoke

karaoke night every wednesday + thursday night @ the ivy inn (princeton)…

starting @ 10pm…i started gaining a big following there with my “oh! darling” rendition…then i was banned from the club by a jealous bouncer…

now there’s karaoke on thursday nights @ applebee’s in lawrenceville…i walk there from the mount’s motel…ending @ 10pm…the young black DJ doesn’t even have “oh! darling” in his catalogue…

first successful karaoke performance was in july 2010…tuesday night @ the bridgewater houlihan’s…i went there with larnald because i found out that christine hauer was the hostess there (i had called her up on a whim from the family house line so that she’d answer)…wasn’t sure if i could nail “oh! darling” but i went for it anyway…larnald videotaped…i hit most of the notes…

the ladies screamed…

(hauer dug the raspiness in my voice (and couldn’t believe that i’d actually fallen to my knees for a karaoke performance) but i still didn’t win her over…)



👈👈👈 ☜ *back to “THE SHOW”*






🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥