-YEAR 2014-

(ward of ‘princeton human services’)

rental assistance (motel fare)

$98 monthly check

$189 / month in foodstamps

monthly 3-point bus pass

medicaid coverage

2 monthly visits to “crisis ministry”
(princeton NJ)
(for week’s supply of food)

trenton soup kitchen
(for nightly dinner)

total “unemployment”

@ 14 oakland street
(princeton NJ)
(basement apartment)

(constant harassment from dorothy)
(she knew i drank her 6 wine bottles from the basement)
(and used this as leverage against me)

(she had barricaded me from the other side of the basement)
(and took the key to the front door)
(so that i had no key to the apartment)

recording songs for “friend of dorothy”

first robotrips
(after recommendation from damkani)

forcibly moved by princeton human services (and police) to mount’s motel in february
(after dorothy spoke with the assistant township administrator)

received a monthly bus pass
(learned about the NJ transit bus system)

banned from ivy inn for several months
(february 2014)
(after bouncer eric did not admit me to the ivy inn on a friday night)
(because i was “too drunk”)
(and i allegedly cursed him out)
(ban lifted in june 2014)
(after begging eric to let me back in)

banned from the A+B for several months
(february 2014)
(after giving the middle finger to the doorman as i walked out)
(for no apparent reason)
(i was blackout drunk)
(same night i was banned from ivy inn)
(then i promptly fell flat on my face outside and scarred my nose)

even after apologizing to the doorman (that night and a month later) he subsequently banned me…
(after i’d subsequently patronized the A+B on several occasions after the incident)

it was only after he was fired that i appealed to the manager and she lifted the ban

kicked out of the triumph brewery on two occasions
(because the bouncer saw me talking to girls)
(and assumed they did not want to talk to me)
(even though i was being calm + friendly in my approach)

two hospital visits
(for alcohol “poisoning”)

two alcohol-related scars
(on nose + chin)
(slipping on icy roads)
(the chin injury required stitches)

started attending job search program
(mercer county community college)
(5 days / week)

required to attend weekly sessions @ cornerstone
(princeton NJ)

(after human services director entered my apartment @ 10am wednesday morning and saw empty beer cans…)
(and i was still intoxicated after a vodka session the night before)
(and cheryl lynn told her that i had an “alcohol problem”)
(and i asked the assistant township administrator for money to buy a pack of cigarettes when they finally moved me to the motel)
(she gave me the money to buy the pack @ the front desk)
(elisa suspected that i’d already spent my $98 check on booze)
(which was partially true)
(and i allowed elisa to let cheryl lynn know about my case status)

tested positive for alcohol on 80-hour ETG test

required to attend 4-6 weeks of group sessions
(once a week)

hated the male counselor

i cancelled one group session
(did not want to be forced to do yoga with a bunch of junkies)

after a vodka-drinking session on thursday night i forgot about an appointment @ princeton human services…
(28 february 2014)
(i was supposed to “recertify benefits” after 6 months)
(the notice also stated i was to receive my $98 check even though it wasn’t march yet)
(and elisa had previously stated that she wasn’t allowed to give me the check before the beginning of the month)
(cheryl called me to remind me of the session…)
(“you’re drunk!”)
(instead of cancelling the session i panicked and went to the motel front desk for a taxi service #)
(the driver charged me $50)
(said i’d pay him after i cashed the check)
(the black african threw a fit and called the police)
(elisa refused to give me the check)
(had to call up cheryl to pay off the cab fare)
(elisa wouldn’t see me because i was “visibly intoxicated”)
(and told cornerstone about the incident)
(so the counselor recommended i go to workfirst for another evaluation for higher level of care)

met workfirst evaluator and she told me to take a drug test in trenton

i tested positive for “benzos”
(because john the drunk slipped me a valium the week before when i crashed at his pad)
(valium doesn’t even do anything for me)

the evaluator said i’d need to attend a weekly session in trenton
(and submit clean urine tests)

i led her along until she stopped calling me…

in october 2014 i went to collect a check @ princeton human services office…
(downed two natural ices before catching the bus to princeton)

elisa claimed she smelled alcohol on my breath and forced me to take a breathalizer test

i allegedly tested at the highest level
(0.10 – 0.15)
(after two beers over an hour ago?)

so elisa made sure i went to another evaluation @ workfirst

missed the first session
(missed the bus)

attended a session a week later

(elisa would not give me my check until i attended the session)

by then i had taken a dope edible on halloween and tested positive for THC

so i was required to attend weekly session @ new horizons
(trenton NJ)

continued to test positive for THC + booze

hit by a car while illegally crossing route 206
(bruised lung / broken ribs)
($180 jaywalking ticket)
(2 day hospital stay)

so i stopped attending job search program

(got my medicaid doctor to sign off a med 1 form to excuse me from job search program)

the workfirst directors never received the med 1 form
(when they finally contacted me they said i’d need to attend another evaluation)

(but they never pushed the issue after this)

no internet access @ mount’s motel

continued to go to mercer county community college computer lab for internet access
(using a pass that expired may 2014)

mercer county library

princeton public library


“friend of dorothy”
“the negro leagues”
“the jaffies”
“the common cold”

“repraise” sessions with AI


funkadelic studios NYC
(open mic)

alchemist + barrister
(open mic)
(princeton NJ)

spin NYC

spike hill NYC

blackthorn 51 NYC

eva’s restaurant NYC
(open mic)


(pulse karaoke NYC)
(applebees lawrenceville NJ)
(ivy inn princeton NJ)


washington square park NYC
central park NYC
NYC street corners
nassau street (princeton NJ)
princeton campus

banned from princeton campus for 90 days
(for noise complaint and prior “persona non grata” status)


chelsea steinhauer
(after ivy inn karaoke night)
(two makeout + heavy petting sessions)

nicole jafferian
(after applebee’s karaoke night)
(blackout makeout session in motel room)

catherine stuck
(in washington square park NYC)
(brief makeout session)

random black girl
(on 445 fifth avenue rooftop)


cut off ties with john the drunk
(after multiple police encounters)
(and suspicion that he physically assaulted me while i was blacked out)
(and after he texted me saying he was coming to my motel room to “collect his money”)
(because he’d given me booze + cigarettes over the past year)
(called 911 and the officer called john the drunk and warned him not to contact me)

met gandharva on 606 bus back to lawrenceville
(a drummer who worked @ triumph brewery)
(lived in hamilton)
(started collaboration in october 2014)

met gonzalez @ ivy inn karaoke night
(september 2014)
(he subsequently started hooking me up with grass)
(so i let him crash @ my motel room on a nightly basis)

law enforcement:

called the police twice after dorothy came into my apartment and started screaming + breaking things…

(then she called the cops on me for making too much noise on a saturday night)
(when john the drunk was over)
(he brought booze + cigarettes)

the princeton police called me after i left a nasty voicemail for patricia bitetto
(a brief 2013 fling)
(the voicemail was not harassing / threatening / sexual in nature)
(the officer warned me not to contact bitetto or i would be issued a summons for harassment)

princeton police gave me several warnings for busking on nassau street
(because collecting money for musical performances is illegal)

applied for 12-month extension of benefits @ mount’s motel
(still pending)


new years eve
(@ princeton pad of john the drunk)

(alone @ mount’s motel)

30th birthday
(@ wolfgang NYC with the family)
(and AI)
(monthly train pass as family gift)

(busking in nassau street (princeton NJ))
(with gonzalez)

(@ monetti residence)
(burning tree)
(lawrenceville NJ)

(alone on christmas eve @ mount’s motel)
(@ princeton hyatt for christmas brunch with the family)
(gift from michael anthony: “david and goliath” book)
(family gift: $550 neck replacement on taylor guitar)

new year’s eve
(alone @ mount’s motel)
















๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿ‘ˆ โ˜œ *YEAR 2013*


*YEAR 2015* โ˜ž ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘‰



๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿ‘ˆโ˜œ*CONTEMPORARY HISTORY* โ˜ž ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘‰









๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ*we won the war* ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ