
Venus in approximately true colour, a nearly uniform pale cream, although the image has been processed to bring out details.[1] The planet's disc is about three-quarters illuminated; almost no variation or detail can be seen in the clouds


Venus shines at its brightest all year tonight! Here's how to see it. |  Space


*7th largest planet*

*terrestrial planet*

*no moons*


Venus is the second planet from the Sun.

It is named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty.

As the 2nd-brightest natural object in the night sky after the Moon, Venus can cast shadows and, rarely, is visible to the naked eye in broad daylight.

Venus lies within Earth’s orbit, and so never appears to venture far from the Sun, setting in the west just after dusk and rising in the east a bit before dawn.

Venus orbits the Sun every 224.7 Earth days.[15] 

With a rotation period of 243 Earth days, it takes longer to rotate about its axis than any planet in the Solar System and goes in the opposite direction to all but Uranus (meaning the Sun rises in the west and sets in the east).[16] 

Venus does not have any natural satellites, a distinction it shares only with Mercury among planets in the Solar System.[17]

Venus is a terrestrial planet and is sometimes called Earth’s “sister planet” because of their similar size, mass, proximity to the Sun, and bulk composition.

It is radically different from Earth in other respects.

It has the densest atmosphere of the four terrestrial planets, consisting of more than 96% carbon dioxide.

The atmospheric pressure at the planet’s surface is 92 times that of Earth, or roughly the pressure found 900 m (3,000 ft) underwater on Earth.

Venus is by far the hottest planet in the Solar System, with a mean surface temperature of 735 K (462 °C; 863 °F), even though Mercury is closer to the Sun.

Venus is shrouded by an opaque layer of highly reflective clouds of sulfuric acid, preventing its surface from being seen from space in visible light.

It may have had water oceans in the past,[18][19] but these would have vaporized as the temperature rose due to a runaway greenhouse effect.[20] 

The water has probably photodissociated, and the free hydrogen has been swept into interplanetary space by the solar wind because of the lack of a planetary magnetic field.

Venus’s surface is a dry desertscape interspersed with slab-like rocks and is periodically resurfaced by volcanism.

As one of the brightest objects in the sky, Venus has been a major fixture in human culture for as long as records have existed.

It has been made sacred to gods of many cultures, and has been a prime inspiration for writers and poets as the morning star and evening star.

Venus was the first planet to have its motions plotted across the sky, as early as the second millennium BC.

As the planet with the closest approach to Earth, Venus has been a prime target for early interplanetary exploration.

It was the first planet beyond Earth visited by a spacecraft (Mariner 2 in 1962), and the first to be successfully landed on (by Venera 7 in 1970).

Venus’s thick clouds render observation of its surface impossible in visible light, and the first detailed maps did not emerge until the arrival of the Magellan orbiter in 1991.

Plans have been proposed for rovers or more complex missions, but they are hindered by Venus’s hostile surface conditions.

Since 1963, claims are suggesting that tiny objects that were discovered in Venus atmospheric clouds are sorts of living bacteria.

The first article that claimed that theory, which published on Nature by Carl Sagan and Harold J. Morowitz, states

“While the surface conditions of Venus make the hypothesis of life there implausible, the clouds of Venus are a different story altogether. As was pointed out some years ago, water, carbon dioxide and sunlight—the prerequisites for photosynthesis—are plentiful in the vicinity of the clouds.”

More than that, recent researches suggesting that the light absorbance of those objects almost identical to the light absorbance of the organisms in the earth clouds.


*the size is very similar between those 2 as well*



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