“blazing saddles”

Blazing saddles movie poster.jpg



(the governor’s secretary)


*1974 comedy film*

busty redhead secretary of ‘dim-witted old west governor

(played (very convincingly) by ‘mel brooks’)


(for more on his patented cameos, reference ‘history of the world”)


(and “spaceballs”)


(“self-aggrandizing under the guise of ‘comedy’…)


(“why, the ‘vaudevillians’ have been doing that for years!)


(wearing;blackace’ for centuries)


(“expropriation 101”)


(casting self as ‘dimwitted alpha’ who shameless preys upon the young girls he casts in his ‘screwball jewish comedies’)


(and allows a black man TO PLAY TE PARK OF A BLAXK

((remember kids…the important thinig here is BLAXK


(they even had ‘robyn hilton’ on the ‘carson show’ one day)


(she described how ‘brooks’ pointed her out as soon as she walked into the audition…)


“there’s our MISSUS STEIN!”


(and soeth goes another ‘shiksa’ earned)

(i think she ended up marrying her (jewish?) agent at 1 time or another)


“the monroe doctrine”


(as she recounted the story oh-so-matter-of-factly, ‘johnny’ and his sidekick’ (?) were shamelessly ogling her as the tried to remember to feed the audience some ‘sexual innuendo fllled quips’)


here’s the ‘youtube link’ –>


(mean to speak for the ‘average middle-aged white man’ and his appropriate reaction by a beauty of this magnitude)


(real name is ‘melvin kaminsky’)

(a ‘blue-eyed jew)

(and drummer to boot)

(in trhe vain of fellow jew ‘buddy rich’)

(robyn hilton)

he talks to her breasts…

‘did you get a good night’s rest?  i missed you!’

‘bill, are you coming back?’

alex kenwell introduced me to the film at age 12

(then i stole mark blumberg’s VHS after renting it several times from the local video store)

(and repeatedly masturbating to it in my brother’s bedroom)

(because i didn’t have a VCR on my TV)

(i routinely masturbated to ‘robyn hilton’)


(the “governor’s” (mel brooks’) busty redheaded ‘secretary / ‘lover’)


(why ‘robyn’?)

(not ‘robin’)


(she was actually ~30 when the filmed her scenes)


(and ‘mel brooks’ wasn’t that much older than her)

(~’age 48′)


(and bt that time he was married the the real ‘missus robinson’)


(leaving ‘dustin hoffman’ in hot pursuit of ‘robin hilton’)


(a proto-‘there’s something about mary’)


(as ‘john oliver’ condescendingly shakes his head whlle observing the scene)


(another witty brit taking it all in…)


(furthermore, her ‘adult film tapes’ were all destroyed in a fi


“current whereabots “unknown”…”








👈👈👈☜*“MEL BROOKS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥