(’12 december 2011′)
(~age 50)
‘howard lutnick’
(chairman + ‘chief executive officer’ of ‘cantor fitzgerald LP’)
(…and wife ‘allison lutnick’ stand for a photograph during the ‘dubin breast center gala’)
(’new york’)
(‘12 december 2011’)
(the ‘dubin breast center’ is located in ‘the tisch cancer institute’ at ‘mount sinai’)
(photographer – ‘amanda gordon’)
(via ‘getty images’)
“14 JULY 1961”
(borh to a ‘jewish famliy’ in ‘long island’)
(~7 years younger than my parents)
(~23 years older than me)
(he also allegedley stole wacky kanaki’s ‘patent’)
(his father was a ‘history professor’ (‘queen’s college’))
(his mother died of ‘lymphoma’ after his ‘high school graduation’)
(older sister ‘edie’ / younger brother ‘gary’)
(then his father died of ‘lung cancer’ while howard was studying @ ‘haverford college’)
(the 3 kids were basically left to their own deices once howard turned ’18’)
(and on top of that, he inherited his father’s debt)
(“net negative”)
(after his father was being treated fo ‘lung cancer’)
(and was mistakenly given over 100x the normal dose of necessary ‘chemotherapy”)
(his narrative sounds a lttle similar to ‘howard hughes’)
(both were orphans by their late teens)
(both had their mothers die first)
(ala ‘lennon’ + ‘mccartney’)
(so without any extended family, the haverford dean offfered a full scholarship)
(earned ‘economics’ degree)
(married his wife “allison lambert’ (a ‘law associate’) on ’10 december 1994′)
(‘age 23’)
(they have 4 children)
(~age 25)
(and hes still married to the same woman)
(he was dropping off his sons ‘brandon’ + ‘kyle’ to first days of ‘pre-school’ + kindergarten’)
“and hes’s jewish, you say?”
are there any other jews employed by the firm
“to the bes of my knowledge…no…”
(as lutnick scans his brokerage desks goofing off betwen trades)
(anyway…he joins the firm right out of college)
(immediaely finds a ‘father figure’ in the ailing ‘bernard cantor’)
(his name came first)
(before ‘fitzgerald’)
(ecause ‘c’ comes before ‘f’?)
(ir is it because he’s jewish?)
(and not ‘irish’)
(so ‘cantor’ became his mentor of sorts)
(i don’t believe i ever met him)
(if he was in the ‘water street’ offices, he’d probably have been tucked away in some random extraneous office) on the 11th floor)
“enough already!”
(not quite ‘news-worthy’….)
(despite the occasional slip…)
(a jewish ‘howard hughes’?)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥