-as of [2 FEBRUARY 2025]–
*ON MACS* –>
(hold down ‘option’ key)
(hit the ‘n’ key)
(type the ‘underlying letter’)
(squiggly line over “n” ‘en espanol’)
*pronounced like (ma)tilda*
(even though it ends in an ‘E’, not an ‘A’)
(say, i wonder why ‘they’ spell i
*and down the ‘spellcheck rabbit hole he goes…*
‘illogical overload’…
(and he was never heard from for centuries…)
(last heard muttering something about ‘the riyt wai 2 spel ‘laf’…)
-the tilde is a ‘grapheme’ with several uses-
(the name of the character came into ‘english’ from ‘spanish’ + from ‘portuguese’, which in turn came from the latin titulus (meaning ‘title’ or ‘superscription’))
(the reason for the name was that it was originally written over a letter as a ‘scribal abbreviation’ (as a ‘mark of suspension’), shown as a ‘straight line’ when used with ‘capitals’)
(thus the commonly used words anno domini were frequently abbreviated to Ao Dñi, an ‘elevated terminal’ with a ‘suspension mark’ placed over the ‘n’)
(such a ‘mark’ could denote the ‘omission’ of ‘1 or more letters’)
(this saved on the expense of the scribe’s labor and the cost of ‘vellum’ and ‘ink’)
*’tilde’ being the winner of the linguistic ‘cost / benefit’ analysis*
(less expensive to write / easier to ‘draw’ by the first human writers)
(and took up less space on the precious paper page)
(at the cost perhaps of ‘specific written expresssion)
(or not)
(maybe only because the contemporary readers were just ‘used to’ another symbol from when they learned to read)
(or rather, ‘learn to read a certain way’)
(who was the ‘first human writer’ anyway?)
(and don’t tell me ‘homer’)
(‘medieval european charters’ written in ‘latin’ are largely made up of such ‘abbreviated words’ with ‘suspension marks’ + other ‘abbreviations’)
(only ‘uncommon words’ were given in full)
(the ’tilde’ has since been applied to a number of other uses as a ‘diacritic mark’ or a ‘character’ in its own right)
(these are encoded in ‘unicode’ at…)
U+007E ~ TILDE
(as a spacing character)
(there are additional similar characters for different roles)
(in ‘lexicography’, the latter kind of ’tilde’ + the swung dash (⁓) are used in ‘dictionaries’ to indicate the ‘omission’ of the ‘entry word’)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥