-polygraph journals-

-as of [15 MARCH 2024]



(when my ‘motel neighbor’ gabriel accused me of stealing money from him, i was visited by a ‘lawrence detective’ a few days after 3 cops came knocking at my motel door @ 8AM)

(at first i panicked and thought that some girl had complained to the cops about some mean email i’d written)

(the detective offered to put us both on the polygraph)

(just so the cops could get a general sense of who was probably lying)

(and i agreed / gabriel refused)

(at first i was apprehensive about him being able to pass)
(but he’d probably been through that before)

(is this ‘standard operating procedure’ for law enforcement?)

(will a mentally ill pass a polygraph when asked to verify their delusions?)

“truth serums”

“brain scanner”

(measure ‘brain waves’ (aka ‘thoughts’?) with the “P300”)
(improving the ability to detect famliiarity with some detail or object (like the ‘murder weapon’) that an innocent person would not be famliiar with)

(functional ‘magnetic resonance imaging’)

(to measure ‘firing neurons’)
(by tracking the ‘blood flow’ that provides them with ‘nutrients’ + ‘oxygen’)

(some scientists claim that certains parts of the brain are more active when someone is lying)

(a ‘successful liar’ is someone who can ‘repress the urge to be honest’)

(but this is still trobling)

(as ‘lying’ about some frivolous detail in a ‘study’ in which lying has no consequences will generate a far more mild physiological effect than lying about culpability in a crime in which a person can face far more dire consequences)

(as will as the fact that being nervous aboud generating a ‘false positive’ can be a ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’ in the sense that the potential for a wrongful conviction could very well produce the same bodily reactions as the potential of being ‘found out’)

(and if a person spends more time internally ‘rehearsing’ a lie, then they may have less ‘guilt spikes’ in ‘action-repression’ areas of the brain)

(…along with more ‘guilt spikes’ in ;memory centers’ drawn upon to verbally reproduce the ‘rehearsed lie’)

“thought crimes”

(you can also beat the ‘lie detector’ by conjuring up memories from other parts of your life to generate different emotional responses)

(like a ‘method actor’ thinking about his dead mother in order to produce genuine tears while acting out a fiction unrelated to his actual life experiences)



(you can buy a ‘polygraph’ for under $100 @ ‘amazon’)


“USB polygraph”
(to easily plug into a computer)

(tests ‘breathing’ / ‘pulse’ / ‘sweat’ / ‘body language’ patterns)

how accurate?

(now all i need are personal ‘breathalizers’ / ‘drug test kits’ / ‘bodycam’ / ‘suicide pills’)






👈👈👈☜*“THE POLYGRAPH”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥