Month: May 2012
“THE POLYGRAPH” . (‘forensic science’ is the application of ‘science’ to ‘criminal’ + ‘civil’ laws, mainly (on the ‘criminal’ side) during ‘criminal investigation’, as governed by the ‘legal standards’ of ‘admissible evidence’ + ‘criminal […]
“cybele”*anatolian mother goddess*
. /ˈsɪbɪli/ . ‘phrygian’ –> (matar kubileya / kubeleya / ‘kubileya’ / ‘kubeleya mother’) (perhaps “mountain mother”) . ‘lydian’ –> kuvava . ‘greek’ –> (Κυβέλη (Kybele) […]
Protected: “jewlee ciccarelli”
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-mood types-
*as of ‘31 OCTOBER 2023’* . *12 BASIC ‘EMOTIONS’* (all on a ‘spectrum’)(compared to what ’emotional baseline’ is estimated to be when not ‘feeling’ anything) […]
“fireworks”*guitar tabs*
. . . . . . . . . 👈👈👈 ☜ *back to “FIREWORKS″ (CHORDS)* . . *🌈✨ *TABLE OF CONTENTS* ✨🌷* . . 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we […]
**********************************”BASIC CHORDS”***********************************”CHORD CHARTS”***********************************”THE SCORE”***********************************”GUITAR TABS”***********************************LINKS**********************************. – ******************************************** . . (4:4(145bpm) (Cmajor) (or 1:4 motown) *INTRO* [(C ) (Am Amsus2 Am) (Am7)] x 2 (bass: C […]
Protected: “kelly smith”
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Protected: “kelly terzis”
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Protected: “kelly nelson”
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