“akmal shaikh”





*the faithfully departed*

(‘5 APRIL 1956′ – ’29 DECEMBER 2009’)

(lived to ‘age 53’)

(he was executed by ‘lethal injection’ over 2 years after being arrested by the ‘chinese authorities)


“12 SEPTEMBER 2007”

(he was arrested by ‘chinese customs’ @ “ürümqi diwopu international airport” with ‘4 kg’ of heroin hidden in his baggage)

(his lawyer claimed that as a ‘mentally ill man’ with dreams of ‘pop stardom’, he was a prime target for being tricked by ‘drug traffickers’ in transporting the heroin)

(with the promise of a ‘recording contract’)


“29 DECEMBER 2009”

(despite requests for ‘clemency’ from the ‘british government’, ‘akmal shaikh’ (a ‘british national’), is executed in the ‘people’s republic of china’ for trafficking ‘heroin’)















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥