"mustafa"*the male first name*




(*start with ‘most common spelling”)
(is there an ‘international body’ monitoring ‘first names’)
(i’d rather start with ‘my preferred spelling’ and go from there)


‘IPA’ –> 












(*editor screen*)
(*open in ‘new tab’*)












👈👈👈 ☜ *back to “MALE NAMES BEGINNING IN ‘M’”*






🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


“Green” (11:43:21 PM): joga

“Green” (11:43:22 PM): joga

“Green” (11:43:23 PM): joga

JoGaBot (11:43:22 PM): yo

JoGaBot (11:43:32 PM): i have a new female target

“Green” (11:43:40 PM): who

JoGaBot (11:43:41 PM): salesman pete’s former galpal

“Green” (11:43:49 PM): what the

JoGaBot (11:43:55 PM): werent u always a fan of hers?

“Green” (11:44:04 PM): dick

JoGaBot (11:44:07 PM): dont know dont care?

“Green” (11:44:33 PM): exactly

“Green” (11:44:41 PM): dont recall ever sayin more than 10 words

“Green” (11:44:42 PM): to the girl

JoGaBot (11:44:41 PM): i want a second opinion

JoGaBot (11:44:47 PM): what would u rate her looks

“Green” (11:44:55 PM): honestly man

“Green” (11:44:59 PM): dont even remember the girl

JoGaBot (11:45:21 PM): well im setting up a rendezvous this week

“Green” (11:45:32 PM): a fuck session u mean

JoGaBot (11:45:30 PM): not sure how this will go down

JoGaBot (11:45:32 PM): hopefully

JoGaBot (11:46:05 PM): its better than Kat Alario

“Green” (11:46:16 PM): haha

“Green” (11:46:20 PM): i would fuckin hope so

JoGaBot (11:46:19 PM): that should be a song title

“Green” (11:46:29 PM): haha

“Green” (11:46:30 PM): i agree

JoGaBot (11:46:27 PM): ‘Cause For Alario’

JoGaBot (11:46:36 PM): itll be on par with ‘Ingrassia Don’t Mind’

JoGaBot (11:46:45 PM): she had a nice figure though, right?

“Green” (11:46:57 PM): for a male varsity athlete sure

JoGaBot (11:46:59 PM): lol

JoGaBot (11:47:07 PM): well, see, if those gals were stoners

“Green” (11:47:11 PM): that girl was too masculine

JoGaBot (11:47:10 PM): itd be perfect

“Green” (11:47:17 PM): nah

JoGaBot (11:47:15 PM): theyd cook us cookies and shit

“Green” (11:47:24 PM): she had no sexual appeal

JoGaBot (11:47:21 PM): and clean up for us

JoGaBot (11:47:26 PM): doesnt need sex appeal

“Green” (11:47:34 PM): i need it

JoGaBot (11:47:31 PM): as long as shes servile

JoGaBot (11:47:58 PM): jealous joseph brought up leah hartman at dinner last week

“Green” (11:48:10 PM): o boy

“Green” (11:48:16 PM): whose jealous josephy

“Green” (11:48:19 PM): mike?

JoGaBot (11:48:17 PM): my alleged father

“Green” (11:48:24 PM): o

JoGaBot (11:48:31 PM): he said shes in amsterdam smoking up a storm

“Green” (11:48:38 PM): haha

“Green” (11:48:40 PM): is she really?

JoGaBot (11:48:41 PM): yes she is

“Green” (11:48:47 PM): right now?

JoGaBot (11:48:46 PM): yes

“Green” (11:48:55 PM): im booking a flight

“Green” (11:49:03 PM): that girl is probably vulnerable as hell right now

JoGaBot (11:49:04 PM): its time for you to put that girl in her place

“Green” (11:49:08 PM): can def bang the shit out of her

JoGaBot (11:49:08 PM): shes your padua

“Green” (11:49:14 PM): or is she with some asian dude/

JoGaBot (11:49:17 PM): you need to put that girl down on all 4s

“Green” (11:49:25 PM): i will

“Green” (11:49:27 PM): next time i see her

JoGaBot (11:49:24 PM): and fuck her until shes bleeding red and seeing purple

“Green” (11:49:29 PM): she knows it

“Green” (11:49:33 PM): who is she with

“Green” (11:49:36 PM): in amsterdam

JoGaBot (11:49:36 PM): a study program allegedly

“Green” (11:49:43 PM): what the

“Green” (11:49:47 PM): study?

“Green” (11:49:49 PM): smoking?

“Green” (11:49:53 PM): wtf

JoGaBot (11:49:53 PM): apparently the father knows shes just sitting on her perfectly tanned ass and bong ripping all day

“Green” (11:50:04 PM): of course

“Green” (11:50:23 PM): I ran into mr hartman at the gym

“Green” (11:50:25 PM): mountain fitness

“Green” (11:50:27 PM): back in

“Green” (11:50:27 PM): may

“Green” (11:50:30 PM): it was revolutionary

“Green” (11:50:31 PM): bc

“Green” (11:50:36 PM): your bro and greg

“Green” (11:50:44 PM): were there

JoGaBot (11:50:45 PM): the corporate drones?

“Green” (11:50:52 PM): and mr hartman immediaely followed me

“Green” (11:50:57 PM): next to the elliptical

“Green” (11:51:01 PM): talked to me for over na hr

“Green” (11:51:02 PM): saying

“Green” (11:51:08 PM): u should really hang out with leah

“Green” (11:51:11 PM): its been so long

“Green” (11:51:11 PM): etc

JoGaBot (11:51:28 PM): so he prob looked right over tjhe corporate drones

JoGaBot (11:51:40 PM): he knew they were headed for middle class mediocrity?

“Green” (11:51:58 PM): yep

“Green” (11:51:58 PM): exactly

“Green” (11:52:00 PM): he was like

“Green” (11:52:08 PM): “Mike you always stood out in that bunch in your grade”

“Green” (11:52:16 PM): people of course always tell me that now

“Green” (11:52:20 PM): once btownmenus went up

“Green” (11:52:31 PM): the pathetic thing is those miserable fucks thinks thats a highlight

JoGaBot (11:56:36 PM): no

JoGaBot (11:56:40 PM): just a blip on the radar

“Green” (11:56:46 PM): exactly

“Green” (11:56:49 PM): boss

“Green” (11:56:52 PM): SCOTTSDALE!

“Green” (11:56:54 PM): call u in 10

“Green” (11:56:56 PM): conference call time

“Green” (11:57:00 PM): let me smoke 3 bowls in a row

“Green” (11:57:01 PM): before our call

“Green” (11:57:04 PM): and let my phone charge

“Green” (11:57:06 PM): call u in a few

“Green” (11:57:06 PM): pc

“Green” returned at 12:57:06 AM.

“Green” (1:05:52 AM): lost the boss

“Green” (1:06:02 AM): obsessed with jimmy hendrix….

JoGaBot (1:06:11 AM): yes

JoGaBot (1:06:27 AM): so then he turned to balls

JoGaBot (1:06:39 AM): he threw balls against a wall

JoGaBot (1:06:40 AM): for hours on end

“Green” (1:06:49 AM): haha

JoGaBot (1:06:49 AM): and he played cowboys and indians

JoGaBot (1:06:53 AM): (strawberry was always the victim)

JoGaBot (1:06:58 AM): he used to torture his siblings

JoGaBot (1:07:03 AM): thats why they are what they are today

JoGaBot (1:07:10 AM): it was all based on the sins of my father

JoGaBot (1:07:17 AM): and i think he knows it

“Green” (1:07:21 AM): wow

“Green” (1:07:36 AM): even tammy?

JoGaBot (1:07:36 AM): yes

JoGaBot (1:07:40 AM): he teased the hell out of her

“Green” (1:07:47 AM): hows the wedding coming along?

JoGaBot (1:07:55 AM): the thing with her is

JoGaBot (1:08:01 AM): i think she has repressed artistic talents

JoGaBot (1:08:15 AM): shes a world class jigsaw puzzler

“Green” (1:08:23 AM): really

“Green” (1:08:26 AM): so she aint that dumb

JoGaBot (1:08:28 AM): no, shes childlike

“Green” (1:08:33 AM): must have an innovative mind

JoGaBot (1:08:35 AM): but all geniuses are childlike

“Green” (1:08:43 AM): that is true

JoGaBot (1:08:43 AM): i write my best music when i go back in time to childhood

“Green” (1:08:53 AM): i do my best marketing

JoGaBot (1:08:52 AM): put myself in that exact mindset

“Green” (1:09:00 AM): when resorting to childhood like techniques

JoGaBot (1:08:57 AM): i even wear diapers on occasion

“Green” (1:09:15 AM): thats a great cover for your next album

“Green” (1:09:16 AM): you in a diaper

JoGaBot (1:09:26 AM): blumberg would love it

JoGaBot (1:09:34 AM): since it would be a mocking picture of me presented to the public

“Green” (1:09:38 AM): the blumbino

JoGaBot (1:10:03 AM): i pigged out today

JoGaBot (1:10:06 AM): i ate like a horse

“Green” (1:10:19 AM): what did ueat

JoGaBot (1:10:23 AM): pollyo string cheese

JoGaBot (1:10:29 AM): baloney sandwiches

JoGaBot (1:10:45 AM): and roasted nut honey peanut butter with bananas

JoGaBot (1:10:50 AM): thats a good peanut butter flavor btw

“Green” (1:11:27 AM): wow

“Green” (1:11:32 AM): sounds awesome

“Green” (1:12:21 AM): you have a new ali

“Green” (1:12:26 AM): alliance formed

“Green” (1:12:27 AM): with

“Green” (1:12:37 AM): mr zack sampson

JoGaBot (1:12:41 AM): sure his name aint simpson?

JoGaBot (1:12:47 AM): ive always wanted a friend named simpson you see

“Green” (1:13:20 AM): why is that

JoGaBot (1:13:40 AM): they seemed like good guys to have around

JoGaBot (1:13:43 AM): yellow and such

“Green” (1:14:03 AM): remember the incident

“Green” (1:14:06 AM): at riccios graduation party

“Green” (1:14:10 AM): with pete simpson

“Green” (1:14:15 AM): out of nowhere started smashin bottles

“Green” (1:14:19 AM): on the tennis courts

JoGaBot (1:14:29 AM): yes

JoGaBot (1:14:40 AM): he was the one who also encouraged me to pursue lalalalunardoni

“Green” (1:14:53 AM): really?

JoGaBot (1:14:56 AM): after he saw her coming onto me at the mountain fitness

“Green” (1:15:00 AM): how did that go down

JoGaBot (1:15:02 AM): i was too oblivious then

JoGaBot (1:15:21 AM): she was like really coming on strong during that era, that was that summer where shed always be like lucy and the football

JoGaBot (1:15:23 AM): i was charlie brown

JoGaBot (1:15:29 AM): shed come on strong and disappear

“Green” (1:15:36 AM): haha

“Green” (1:15:49 AM): she ugly these days

JoGaBot (1:16:01 AM): shes prob with another guy with an “IZZI” last name

JoGaBot (1:16:04 AM): all these IZZOs

JoGaBot (1:16:06 AM): IZZIS

JoGaBot (1:16:07 AM): AZZA

JoGaBot (1:16:12 AM): that always means ‘meathead’ to me

JoGaBot (1:16:16 AM): ASSA

JoGaBot (1:16:19 AM): IZZO

“Green” (1:16:42 AM): haha

“Green” (1:16:44 AM): lizzy

“Green” (1:16:46 AM): wus that his name

“Green” (1:16:55 AM): was it snyder?

JoGaBot (1:17:20 AM): yea but his friends called him Al

“Green” (1:18:01 AM): haha

JoGaBot (1:18:21 AM): Larnick’s got a girlfriend

“Green” (1:18:29 AM): haha

“Green” (1:18:31 AM): yea right

JoGaBot (1:18:30 AM): his names Earl

“Green” (1:18:33 AM): whats his name

“Green” (1:18:37 AM): haha

JoGaBot (1:18:50 AM): its a cross between a woman and a kitty kat

JoGaBot (1:19:21 AM): apparently its all the rage these days

“Green” (1:25:02 AM): o boy

“Green” (1:25:09 AM): larnball at his finest

JoGaBot (1:25:49 AM): im surprised u two hadnt hung out more

“Green” (1:25:56 AM): haha

“Green” (1:25:57 AM): im not

JoGaBot (1:25:54 AM): he once referred to u as ‘cute’

“Green” (1:26:04 AM): hes gay

“Green” (1:26:05 AM): im straight

“Green” (1:26:07 AM): it wouldnt work

“Green” (1:26:15 AM): i don’t like gay people

JoGaBot (1:26:24 AM): well there goes half our supporting cast

“Green” (1:26:31 AM): yep

“Green” (1:26:33 AM): sorry boss

JoGaBot (1:26:32 AM): well have to throw the professor right off the boat

“Green” (1:26:38 AM): malchow and crew

“Green” (1:26:39 AM): gotta go

JoGaBot (1:26:46 AM): should we execute them>

“Green” (1:27:19 AM): yes

“Green” (1:27:22 AM): immediately

JoGaBot (1:32:26 AM): ok

JoGaBot (1:32:29 AM): ive got the guns ready

“Green” (1:32:39 AM): perfect

JoGaBot (1:32:37 AM): not sure itd penetrate Mad Cow’s blubber

JoGaBot (1:32:50 AM): we may need a goddamn harpoon for that boy

“Green” (1:32:59 AM): haha

“Green” (1:33:01 AM): thats classic

“Green” (1:33:07 AM): whats that prick up to

JoGaBot (1:33:08 AM): selling homes

JoGaBot (1:33:24 AM): actually, i think hes moved on / now hes selling tents at Rays Sporting Goods Store

“Green” (1:33:35 AM): perfect

“Green” (1:33:42 AM): he must be caking

JoGaBot (1:33:55 AM): caking?

“Green” (1:34:08 AM): banking

“Green” (1:34:12 AM): makin a lot of money

“Green” (1:34:19 AM): haha

“Green” (1:34:21 AM): you get it

“Green” (1:34:24 AM): malchow fat

“Green” (1:34:25 AM): caking

“Green” (1:34:28 AM): instead of baking

“Green” (1:34:31 AM): banking
