“jeffrey miron”

(in ‘fall 2004’, i took a course on “libertarian economics” @ ‘harvard college’)

it fulfilled a requirement for my economics course of study.

the professor of the course was “jeffrey miron”
(born 1957)

at first, i didn’t think much of him.  

he earned his undergraduate degree from swarthmore college and he was only a “visiting professor” from boston university.  

(however his class was extremely popular (even though i didn’t attend many of the lectures))

i earned an “A-” in the class

now we are facebook friends
(under my “joe gatti” identity)

even though i’ve sent him some nasty messages over the years

he opposed the 2008 government bailout of US banks

(completely changed my political/social/economic outlook)









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥