*osama bin laden*

Osama bin Laden portrait.jpg
(~march 1997)
(~age 40)


*the faithfully departed*


(‘10 MARCH 1957’ – ‘2 MAY 2011’)

(‘age 54’)
(while hiding in ‘abbottabad’ (/ ‘pakistan’))

(shot down in a raid by “US navy SEALS”
(“operation neptune spear”)


“osama bin mohammed bin awad bin laden”

(born 1957)
(saudi arabia)

fundamentalist muslim
(opposes music on “religious grounds”)

at age 22, he used his family’s wealth to fight the soviet union in afghanistan

(this movement was financially supported by the ‘united states government’)

(the ‘soviet union’ withdrew from ‘afghanistan’ in ‘1989’)

(osama bin laden was 32 years old)
(a hero in the muslim world)

(formation of “al qaeda” (“the base”) in pakistan)

(alliance of muslim fighting forces)

saddam hussein (leader of iraq) invaded kuwait in 1990.  

this was a threat to saudi arabia.  

osama bin laden did not want saudi arabia to depend on the united states for military assistance.  

the saudi arabian leaders ignored his advice.

by 1990, al qaeda was already plotting terrorist attacks in the united states.  

the FBI uncovered an al qaeda plot to blow up NYC skyscrapers.

in 1992, osama bin laden was banished from saudi arabia and exiled to sudan…

(al qaeda carried out the bombing of a hotel in yemen)
(2 people were killed)

(aided jihad movements in algeria / egypt / afghanistan)
(even though the muslims lost in algeria)

(in 1996, osama bin laden was banished from sudan and exiled to afghanistan…)

(he publicly declared “war” against the united states)

(because despite the promises of the US government, there were still US military bases in ‘saudi arabia’ even after the iraqi threat was eliminated)

(disapproved of american support of israel)

1998 US embassy bombings in tanzania + kenya
(224 deaths)

11 september 2001
(airplane attacks on twin towers + pentagon)

(bin laden claimed responsibility for the attacks in 2004)

the murder of osama bin laden in may 2011
(he was hiding out in pakistan)
(US military special forces unit / navy seals)
(his body was brought to afghanistan for “identification”)

(buried at sea within 24 hours)
(hmm that’s a bit ‘suspicious”)
(“building 7!”)

(cue *mark of cain*)








*“9/11”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥