-as of [15 NOVEMBER 2024]–
(i can produce a slight whistle when i inhale…)
(…but an exhale-whistle presents great difficulties)
(“learn to whistle”)
(so that you too can annoy everyone within earshot with a seemingly innocuous sonic stream)
(as i grow more ‘misophonic’ in my old age, whistlers categorically infuriate me)
(mostly because i assume that they know how little pleasure those around them derive from their whistling)
(and that it’d be safe to assume that many will be at least slightly annoyed by your whistling)
(and yet, knowing all this, the whistler decides that he himself derives sufficient (pleasure / advantages) by whistling to risk annoying those around him)
(nobody feels any better afer hearing someone whistle)
(that goes for you too, ‘wittgenstein’!)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥