“parity transformations”

*AKA* –>



*in ‘quantum mechanics’, a parity transformation is the ‘flip’ in the ‘sign’ of 1 ‘spatial coordinate’*


(in ‘3 dimensions’, it can also refer to the ‘simultaneous flip’ in the ‘sign’ of all 3 spatial coordinates

*aka ‘point reflection‘*



(it can also be thought of as a test for ‘chirality’ of a ‘physical phenomenon’, in that a ‘parity inversion’ transforms a ‘phenomenon’ into its ‘mirror image’)

(all ‘fundamental interactions’ of ‘elementary particles’ (with the exception of the ‘weak interaction’) are ‘symmetric’ under ‘parity’)

(the ‘weak interaction’ is ‘chiral’ and thus provides a means for probing ‘chirality’ in ‘physics’)

(in ‘interactions’ that are ‘symmetric’ under ‘parity’ (such as ‘electromagnetism’ in ‘atomic’ + ‘molecular physics’), ‘parity’ serves as a ‘powerful controlling principle’ underlying ‘quantum transitions’)

(a ‘matrix representation’ of P (in any # of ‘dimensions’) has ‘determinant’ equal to −1, and hence is distinct from a ‘rotation’, which has a ‘determinant’ equal to 1)

(in a ‘2-dimensional plane’, a ‘simultaneous flip’ of all ‘coordinates’ in ‘sign’ is not a ‘parity transformation’)

(rather, it is the same as a ‘180°-rotation’)


(in ‘quantum mechanics’…)

(‘wave functions’ which are unchanged by a ‘parity transformation’ are described as ‘even functions’)

(…while those which change ‘sign’ under a ‘parity transformation’ are ‘odd functions’)















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥