“21 december 2015”



(went to sleep sometime before 4AM)
(after a long chat with microchip in the condo parking lot)

(i was up before 9:30AM)

(dragged myself into shower)

(patrick had his mother’s car for the day)

(he drove me to quaker bridge mall to catch 10:15am bus)

(because the 609 bus was running late)

(jon spent all his money last night)

(CVS closes midnight on sunday)
(rite-aid closes 8pm)

(he was going to buy me tuss)
(he would rather someone be in the condo at all times)
(he takes the guitar with him whenever he leaves)

(he bought me buffalo chicken wrap / double mocha cappuccino / half of payday bar)

(then i devoured a can of chili + can of pinto beans)
(mixed with generous handfuls of toasted o’s)

(spent $1.50 @ princeton public library cafe)
(sweet fat redhead)

(downed the unsweetened ice coffee @ met steven inside small world)
(he was a few minutes late)

(too crowded in small world + starbucks)
(so we went to panera)

(he bought me small coffee)
(free refills?)
(took ice from the container for cold drinks at the cash register)


(he wants to meet next week for further discussions)
(then i spent my two remaining CVS cards on a pack of bennies)

(i need to bum cigarettes)
(and busk in princeton while it’s still relatively warm)
(and pick up food @ crisis ministry)
(will jon give me ride back from princeton or will i be carrying?)

(took entire box of bennies)
(dropped one in library bathroom)

(not hitting hard)
(i gotta keep taking shits)
(because i overate last night)

(i don’t perform well on bennies)
(messes up my pitch)

(steven goldin wants to meet next week)



👈👈👈 ☜ *back to “DECEMBER 21ST” (OUR YEARS ON EARTH)*






🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥