“the mongoloid race”




*mongoloid is a grouping of various peoples indigenous to…*

‘east asia’

‘central asia’

‘south-east asia’

‘north asia’

*”the americas”*


Some people include people from The Arctic, Pacific Islands (with some exceptions).

It is one of the outdated three races first introduced in the 1780s by members of the Göttingen School of History, the other two groups being Caucasoid and Negroid.

Individuals within these populations often share certain associated phenotypic traits, such as epicanthic folds, sino- or sundadonty, shovel-shaped incisors and neoteny.

The concept of Mongoloid races is historical referring to a grouping of human beings historically regarded as a biological taxon.

It is today not widely used by anthropologists as its validity and usefulness in classification is considered highly questionable.

Epicanthic folds and oblique palpebral fissures are common among Mongoloid individuals.

Most exhibit the Mongolian spot from birth to about age four years.

Mongoloids in general have straight, black hair and dark brown almond-shaped eyes, and have relatively flatter faces in comparison to those of Caucasoid and Negroid skulls.

The concept continues to be in use as a rough categorization of ethnic or racial origin, even though its use even as such in forensic anthropology has been criticized as too vague as the term covers a very large and diverse group of phenotypes.

The term Mongoloid has had a second usage referencing Down syndrome, now generally avoided as highly offensive.


(those affected were often referred to as “mongoloids” or in terms of “mongolian idiocy” or “mongolian imbecility”)








👈👈👈☜*“RACE RELATIONS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥