“gmail keyboard shortcuts”*formatting text*



“previous font” –>

“go to ‘inbox’ screen”

(g + i)


“go to ‘starred conversations’ screen”

(g + s)


“go to ‘sent messages’ screen”

(g + t)


“move email to ‘trash’ –>

(shift + 3)


“go to ‘trash folder'” –>

(if you are not clicked into search’)

(type GL)

(with all caps / use ‘shift key’ or ‘caps lock’)

(this brings up “label:” and you enter ‘search box’)

(type ‘trash’)

(hit ‘enter’)

(then click on ’empty trash now’ to delete all items in ‘trash’)

(no ‘keyboard shortcut’ for ’empty trash’

(or worse yet, no keyboard shortcut to ‘permanently delete email’)

(‘google’ doesn’t want to deal with users who accidentally deleted important emails)

(balanced by the drive to make the user experience  more streamlined for ‘professional users’)

(or at least, ‘well-informed users’)

(not to mention ‘careful users’)

(try making them yourself)

(and eventually design your own ’email server’)

(based on your own preferences)

(as improvement to ‘gmail’)

(or any other ‘free’ email service for that matter)

(or find out the best ‘paid email accounts’)

(in terms of ‘features’ / ‘compatibility’ / ‘cost minimization’)


“select a series of messages” –>



“select random messages” –>



“select all unread messages” –>

(shift + 8 + u)


“archive selected messages” –>



“mark selected messages as ‘important'” –>



“compose” –>



“undo last action” –>



“search for messages” –>



“go to ‘tasks'” –>

(g + k)


“add a ‘conversation’ to ‘tasks’ –>

(shift + t)


“reply” –>



“reply all” –>



“forward” –>



“mark current messages unread” –>

(shift + u)


“jump to ‘newer email'” –>



“jump to ‘previous email'” –>



“mute a conversation” –>



“jump back to ‘inbox view'” –>



“insert numbered list” –>

(command + shift + 7)


“insert ‘bullet points'” –>

(‘command’ + ‘shift’ + 8)


for ‘bold’ / ‘italics’ / ‘underline’ –>

(command + b) / (command + i) / (command + u)


to remove ‘formatting’ –>

(‘command’ + ‘control’ + \)


to switch between ‘send name’ / ‘subject line’ / ‘body’ of email –>













🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥