(the ‘english language’ spoken + written in ‘england’ encompasses a diverse range of ‘accents’ + ‘dialects’)
(the ‘dialect’ forms part of the broader ‘british english’, along with other varieties in the ‘united kingdom’)
(terms used to refer to the ‘english language’ spoken + written in ‘england’ include…)
*’english english’*
*’british english’ in ‘england’*
(the related term ‘british english’ has many ‘ambiguities’ + ‘tensions’ in the word ‘british’)
(…so ‘british english’ can be ‘used’ + ‘interpreted’ in multiple ways, but is usually reserved to describe the features common to…)
*’english’ english*
*’welsh’ english*
*’scottish’ english*
(‘england’ / ‘wales’ / ‘scotland’ are the 3 traditional countries on the island of ‘great britain’)
(the main dialect of the 4th country of the ‘united kingdom’ (‘northern ireland’) is ‘ulster english’, which is generally considered a dialect of ‘hiberno-english’)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥