“smith’s ace hardware”
(‘princeton shopping center’)
(301 north harrison street)
(princeton / NJ / 08540)
(turns out that the hardware store is only hiring ‘part-time employees’)
$10 / hr for 24 hours / week…
so i figure i’ll be making ~ $200 / week (provided i start ASAP)…
plus there’s the trip to austin to consider…
that would leave me with $800 / month ($600 would go to rent)…
that would leave me with $200 / month to live on…
i spent roughly $150 / month on alcohol alone!
and a man’s gotta eat!
i talk to the radio shack manager “mckenzie” tomorrow @ noon.
at that time, i’ll expect a call back from george (the owner of the hardware store).
if i can swing a part-time job @ radio shack and a part-time job @ the hardware store, i could probably manage.
though radio shack is $7.25 / hour (plus commission).
another rainy day in purgatory…
and i can’t even drink (nor do i have any food to eat)…
i’ve gotta drive down to peddie @ 6pm to tutor luis…
much to my disappointment (/ ‘chagrin’), the chicks aren’t even that attractive (and according to luis, the food ain’t so great either)…
i probably won’t be back ’til 9pm…
maybe i can swipe some food from the cafeteria…
(i’ll ask mike to borrow his house key tonight to make a copy at the hardware store tomorrow morning…)
(chris told me they charge $2 a key)…
then i’m gonna come back the house and down my pint of vodka…
and jack off all night long…
my sleep was slightly better last night
(though still thoroughly inadequate and interrupted by ‘paranoid dreams’)
(i got a ‘medium iced coffee’ w/ ‘sugar’ + a “turbo shot” from ‘dunkin donuts’ this morning to compensate)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥