*hardware acceleration*

*in ‘computing’, hardware acceleration is the use of ‘computer hardware’ specially made to perform some ‘functions’ more efficiently than is possible in ‘software’ running on a ‘general-purpose CPU’*


(any ‘transformation’ of ‘data’ or ‘routine that can be ‘computed’, can be calculated purely in ‘software’ running on a ‘generic CPU’, purely in ‘custom-made hardware’, or in some mix of both)

(an operation can be computed faster in ‘application-specific hardware’ designed or programmed to ‘compute’ the ‘operation’ than specified in ‘software’ + ‘performed’ on a ‘general-purpose computer processor’)

(each approach has ‘advantages’ + ‘disadvantages’)

(the ‘implementation’ of ‘computing tasks’ in ‘hardware’ to decrease ‘latency’ + increase ‘throughput’ is known as “hardware acceleration“)


(typical advantages of ‘software’ include…)

*more ‘rapid development’* 
(leading to ‘faster times’ to ‘market’)

*lower non-recurring engineering costs*

*heightened portability*

*ease of ‘updating features’ or ‘patching bugs’*

(at the cost of ‘overhead’ to compute ‘general operations’)



(advantages of ‘hardware’ include…)


*reduced power consumption*

*lower latency*

*increased ‘parallelism’ + ‘bandwidth’*

*better utilization of ‘area’ + ‘functional components’ available on an ‘integrated circuit’*

(at the cost of lower ability to update ‘designs’ once etched onto ‘silicon’ and higher costs of ‘functional verification’ + ‘times’ to ‘market’)


(in the ‘hierarchy’ of ‘digital computing systems’ ranging from ‘general-purpose processors’ to ‘fully customized hardware’, there is a tradeoff between ‘flexibility’ + ‘efficiency’, with ‘efficiency’ increasing by ‘orders of magnitude’ when any given ‘application’ is implemented higher up that ‘hierarchy’)


(this ‘hierarchy’ includes…)

*’general-purpose processors’*
(such as CPUs)


*’more specialized processors’*
(such as GPUs)


*’fixed-function implemented on field-programmable gate arrays’* 
(aka FPGAs)


*’fixed-function implemented on application-specific integrated circuit’* 
(aka ASICs)


(‘hardware acceleration’ is advantageous for ‘performance’ + ‘practical when the ‘functions’ are ‘fixed’ so ‘updates’ are not as needed (as they are in ‘software solutions’))


(with the advent of ‘re-programmable logic devices’ (such as ‘FPGAs’), the restriction of ‘hardware acceleration’ to ‘fully fixed algorithms’ has eased since ‘2010’, allowing ‘hardware acceleration’ to be applied to ‘problem domains’ requiring ‘modification’ to ‘algorithms’ + ‘processing control flow’)















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥