“marlboro journals”

*~$8.25 for a pack*

(largest selling brand of cigarettes in the world)

(manufactured by ‘philip morris USA’)

“THE ‘philip morris!….you don’t say!”

(a ‘branch’ of ‘altria’)

(their largest ‘manufacturing plant’ is headquartered in ‘richmond’ (/ ‘virginia’))


when i met ‘john the drunk, i started smoking his marlboro 100s…not as strong as marlboro reds…

*23 january 2014*

i suspect john the drunk took my credit card when i was asleep and bought me a pack of marlboros…

bought a pack of marlboro reds

(they spotted me the quarter at the gas station)

bummed a marlboro from a home depot worker

bought another pack of marlboros @ mccaffrey’s
(on mama’s gift card)

smoked jim’s smooth vs scuba (steve’s) marlboros
(the girl who used to live here smoked newports)

mccaffrey’s only sells marlboros (which leaves a bad taste in my mouth)

but i have a gift card to mccaffrey’s
the “other” mccaffrey’s sells wine

bummed a few cigarettes in trenton…and picked up a cigarillo off the street…marlboro…golden harvest…

and i found a marlboro cigarette butt in the next door parking lot…

i bought my first pack of marlboro reds as a high school senior…

i was playing lead guitar in a band of smokers and stressed out by a veiled accusation of cheating on a calculus BC AP exam…i didn’t inhale…i

(puffed + pushed like a little teenybopper as i drove ’round town in my ‘ford explorer’…)

(it was all ‘for show’)

(‘fo’ sho!’)


(bye bye birdie bye bye…)

(i guess you cold say – it was all (fo’) ‘show’…)



👈👈👈☜*“MARLBORO”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥