*the levant*






‘arabic’ –> المشرق /ʔal-maʃriq/


(the ‘levant’ is an approximate historical geographical term referring to a large area in the ‘eastern mediterranean’)


(in its widest historical sense, the ‘levant’ included all of the ‘eastern mediterranean’ with its ‘islands’)

(… that is, it included all of the countries along the ‘eastern mediterranean shores’, extending from ‘greece’ to ‘cyrenaica’)


(the term levant entered ‘english’ in the late 1400s from ‘french’)

(it derives from the italian levante (meaning ‘rising’) implying the ‘rising’ of the ‘sun’ in the ‘east’)


(as such, it is broadly equivalent to the arabic term mashriq…) 


🌅🌄*the ‘land’ where the ‘sun’ rises*🌄🌅


(in the ‘1200s’ + ‘1300s’, the term levante was used for italian maritime commerce in the ‘eastern mediterranean’, including…)







(…that is, the lands east of ‘venice’)



(eventually the term was restricted to the muslim countries of ‘syria-palestine’ + ‘egypt’)

(in 1581, ‘england’ set up the ‘levant company’ to monopolize commerce with the ‘ottoman empire’)

(the name levant states was used to refer to the french ‘mandate’ over ‘syria’ and ‘lebanon’ after ‘world war 1’)

(this is probably the reason why the term levant has come to be used synonymously with ‘syria-palestine’)

(some scholars misunderstood the term thinking that it derives from the name of ‘lebanon’)

(today the term is typically used in conjunction with ‘prehistoric’ or ‘ancient’ historical references)

(it has the same meaning as ‘syria-palestine’ or the region of ‘syria’ (arabic: الشام /ʔaʃ-ʃaːm/), that is, it means an area bounded by the ‘taurus mountains’ of ‘turkey’ in the ‘north’, the ‘mediterranean sea’ in the ‘west’, and the ‘north arabian desert’ and ‘mesopotamia’ in the ‘east’)

(it does not include ‘anatolia’ (the former ‘asia minor’, now ‘asian turkey’; although at times ‘cilicia’ may be included), the ‘caucasus mountains’, or any part of the ‘arabian peninsula’ proper)

(the ‘sinai peninsula’ (aka ‘asian egypt’) is sometimes included, though more considered an ‘intermediate’, ‘peripheral’, or ‘marginal’ area forming a land bridge between the ‘levant’ and northern african ‘egypt’)



(the ‘levant’ has been described as…)

*the ‘crossroads’ of …

*’western asia’*

*the “‘eastern mediterranean’*

‘northeast africa’*


















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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