*september 2012*



i dreamt that christine hauer and I were in some isolated room together (much resembling a manhattan rehearsal space)…

her lesbian teacher missus camporini kept interrupting our chat to remind her about her geometry assignment…

i drew closer to her and debated whether or not i should go in for the kiss.  

i asked her what she was up to that friday night (several times over the course of the conversation).  

she mentioned a boyfriend named “leonardo sasso” (younger brother of michael and james?  

one was a year older than i and the other two years older…

we were high school football teammates…

michael being the lineman captain of the team my junior year…he spoke with a lisp which made it quite difficult to respect him)  i was going to mention that i sold my gold necklace to their uncle (by marriage) recently (in “country square jewelers” in brick NJ for $365) but i didn’t wanna sound financially desperate…

then i was once again back at 91 carrar drive.  i was outside my sister’s room (the site of the initial fracas earlier in the year) and arguing with her once again.  the old man came out of his bedroom and declared “my sons are assholes”.  then i retreated to my upstairs bedroom until everyone in the family came in right with me…i was extremely annoyed…the old man started playing “mario 64” and he wasn’t that bad at it (it was an unfamiliar level if i recall correctly)…in reality, my mother told me that when we got the original nintendo when i was 4 years old, the two of them would often play after the kids went to sleep…then i took over the console and switched to “starfox” (the only three games i had were “starfox”, “mario”, and some mysterious “x-men” game that probably never existed for N64)

then i was at a store quite like “blue ridge mountain sports” in princeton shopping center.  this was because i’d in reality applied for a job there several days ago.  i lied and told them i was an “eagle scout” (i’m actually merely a “life scout”) but i don’t think they’ll contact the boy scouts to check up on my records (or will they?)  in the dream, the store was located in a mall much like the short hills mall.  i walked in with the intention of filming a young girl accompanied by her parents (being the voyeur i am), but I found it quite difficult to capture an adequate shot without appearing too conspicuous.  so in order to appear normal, i ambled up to the register where i presented the african-american cashier (rather odd for an outdoors store) a “grocery list” of sorts.  it seems i was searching for $125 jeans and a $20 backpack.  knowing my funds were lacking (in both dream and reality), i x’ed out the jeans and asked for a backpack.  he showed me a $35 backpack (as i suspected the commission-based employee would), but then he relented and showed me a $20 alternative.  i carried out the purchase but my debit card wouldn’t go through.  in a panic, i awoke from the dream (only to discover that my iMac had mysteriously turned itself off that very night…)

(much like the night back in brick where gregory invaded my room…)




👈👈👈 ☜ *“SEPTEMBER 2011”*


*“SEPTEMBER 2013”* ☞ 👉👉👉




👈👈👈 ☜ *“AUGUST 2012”*


*“OCTOBER 2012”* ☞ 👉👉👉












🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥