
Starved girl.jpg




“kwash eee OR core”


[“kwashiorkor”  is a form of ‘severe protein–energy malnutrition’ characterized by…]



‘ulcerating dermatoses’

*an ‘enlarged liver’ with ‘fatty infiltrates’*


(‘sufficient caloric intake’, but with ‘insufficient protein consumption’, distinguishes it from “marasmus”)

(‘kwashiorkor’ cases occur in areas of ‘famine’ or ‘poor food supply’)

(cases in the ‘developed world’ are rare)

(jamaican pediatrician ‘cicely williams’ introduced the name into the ‘medical community’ in a 1935 lancet article, 2 years after she published the disease’s ‘first formal description’ in the ‘western medical literature’)

(the name is derived from the ‘ga’ language of ‘coastal ghana’, translated as “the sickness the baby gets when the new baby comes” or “the disease of the deposed child”, and reflecting the development of the condition in an ‘older child’ who has been ‘weaned’ from the ‘breast’ when a ‘younger sibling’ comes)

(‘breast milk’ contains ‘proteins’ and ‘amino acids’ vital to a child’s ‘growth’)


(in ‘at-risk populations’, ‘kwashiorkor’ may develop after a ‘mother’ weans her ‘child’ from ‘breast milk’, replacing it with a ‘diet’ high in ‘carbohydrates’, especially ‘sugar’)


















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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  1. “protein-energy malnutrition” | *JoGa Jungle*

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