(CSS sample)
(’16 august 2007′)
“cascading style sheets”
-as of [10 MAY 2024]–
-[cascading style sheets] is a [style sheet language] used for describing the [presentation] of a [document] written in a [mark-up language] like [HTML]-
(‘CSS’ is a ‘cornerstone technology’ of the ‘world wide web’, alongside ‘HTML’ + ‘javascript’)
(‘CSS’ is designed to enable the separation of ‘presentation’ and ‘content’, including ‘layout’, ‘colors’, and ‘fonts’)
(this separation can improve ‘content accessibility’, provide more ‘flexibility’ and ‘control’ in the specification of ‘presentation characteristics’, enable multiple web pages to share ‘formatting’ by specifying the relevant CSS in a separate ‘.css file’, and reduce ‘complexity’ and ‘repetition’ in the ‘structural content’)
(separation of ‘formatting’ and ‘content’ also makes it feasible to present the same ‘markup page’ in different ‘styles’ for different ‘rendering methods’, such as ‘on-screen’, ‘in print’, by ‘voice’ (via ‘speech-based browser’ or ‘screen reader), and on ‘braille-based tactile devices’)
(‘CSS’ also has rules for ‘alternate formatting’ if the content is accessed on a ‘mobile device’)
(the name cascading comes from the specified ‘priority scheme’ to determine which ‘style rule’ applies if more than 1 rule matches a particular ‘element’)
(this ‘cascading priority scheme’ is predictable)
(the ‘CSS specifications’ are maintained by the ‘world wide web consortium’ (‘W3C’))
(‘internet media type’ (‘MIME type’) text/css
is registered for use with ‘CSS’ by ‘RFC 2318’ (‘march 1998’))
(the W3C operates a free ‘CSS validation service’ for ‘CSS documents’)
(in addition to ‘HTML’, other ‘markup languages’ support the use of ‘CSS’ including…)
‘plain XML’
*๐โจ *TABLE OF CONTENTS* โจ๐ท*
๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ*we won the war* ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ