-raw image file formats-




-as of [4 MAY 2024]


*a camera raw image file contains minimally processed ‘data’ from the ‘image sensor’ of either a…*

*’digital camera’*

*’image scanner’*

*’motion picture film scanner’*


*’raw files’ are named so because they are not yet ‘processed’*


(therefore are not ready to be ‘printed’ or ‘edited’ with a ‘bitmap graphics editor’)


(normally, the ‘image’ is processed by a ‘raw converter’ in a ‘wide-gamut internal color space’ where ‘precise adjustments’ can be made before ‘conversion’ to a ‘positive file format’ (such as ‘TIFF’ / ‘JPEG’) for (‘storage’ / ‘printing’ / ‘further ‘manipulation’))

(this often encodes the ‘image’ in a ‘device-dependent color space’)


(there are ‘dozens’ (if not ‘hundreds’) of ‘raw formats’ in use by different ‘models’ of ‘digital equipment’ (like ‘cameras’ or ‘film scanners’))








👈👈👈☜*-IMAGE FILE FORMATS-* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥